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  #241 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 05:29 PM
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did anyone try to flash back with the 2.09 rom. i ask that because the rom works great for me no issues at all. i also went back and aligned my screen with the stylus and its very responsive. see if this helps
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  #242 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by teddat View Post
For those that are so far happy with the upgrade, try going into settings, phone, services, Roaming, Get Settings, choose roaming only. and report back on:

1. Does the phone go into roaming? ie triangle appears
2. If roaming is achieved, make and end calls possible?
3. Is there any super slow system response?
4. Is it possible to go back and forth between sprint only and roaming settings without the system hanging or unable to soft reset?

This will shed some light if the 1.47.01 radio is at fault. It has been the issue with a few people including myself.
So far, I'm very pleased with the update. I'm finally able to use my BT headset with this phone! The fixed items are greater than the broken features, IMHO. Answers:

1. Yes, I can roam, but the triangle icon doesn't work.
2. Calls and data connections are successful while roaming.
3. I had one instance of my phone going wacky today when switching between towers in a fringe area. I was able to continue the call, but the phone went unresponsive and needed a reset to end the call.
4. I've had mixed results. Once it switched back from roaming fine, and twice it froze.

I've seen that the 60611 PRL has worked for some folks. I'm on with Sprint Customer Service now getting flagged for the update. Hopefully that will fix this!

My only other issue is that the BT Audio application is now broke. See my other post here.
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  #243 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 11:05 PM
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I just completed the 60611 PRL update (by calling *2 and requesting they flag my line for the update). After a reboot, I forced the phone to roam, completed a call, then jumped back to a Sprint tower without freezing! This appears to have fixed the issue. I'll be completely confident after a day in the office tomorrow where I jump in/out of roam repeatedly.

Still doesn't fix the triangle icon problem though.
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  #244 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by canospinach View Post
FYI for those who didnt notice....

PRL - 2.17 comes with PRL 60608 - Newest PRL is 60610

this will impact your ability to roam and receive signal from the right network at the right time.

SCI - Be sure to go into the NAM settings and look at your SCI, mine was set back to 2 and i immmediately noticed my phone didnt seem to register service correctly, calls took longer to ring through.


I fear we create a "performance mob mentality" when we claim issues are caused by one thing or another without much real isolated evidence supporting.

Show me exactly how you know the radio stack is the issue?
Show me exactly how you know the dropped call is a BT issue?

Dont get me wrong, i am not saying that percieved issues are not real, but that we are misdiagnosing them and leading people astray. Dont forget about the hardware too. As my good friend Kieth who worked on the linux kernal with Linus likes to say "design flaws cannot be patched with even excellent quality software/firmware".

for example: coverage issues - lets look at the networks, not the handsets.....

Radio waves (notice the word waves) ebb and flow like the ocean at the beach. This means that coverage is not static. You also have impact from weather. Bottom line, performance even in a "solid" coverage area will fluctuate (there are so many performance variables for the network, interferring cell signals, weather, topography, individual handsets etc). Having worked on the network engineering side i will tell you techs work very hard to maintain the percieved performance and coverage.

The signal strength meter is a dummy meter and is not 100% accurate dont attempt to use this as the sole indication of a performance change after a ROM update, especially if you have not updated your PRL.


now i want to propose a solution to assist. Lets create a simple troubleshooting process for people to follow to help identify the true nature of the issues. I am sure HTC, Sprint, Alltel, Verizon and others would appreciate thought out constructive feedback more than a bunch of folks just screaming "it doesnt work!"

Did you guys get any traction on this? You could really get something done here...

Just to let you know the information that moves mountains is an exact process/scenario to replicate the issue.

Also, the roaming indicator MIA is by design.
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  #245 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 03:10 AM
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Originally Posted by angelmist_3 View Post
Did you guys get any traction on this? You could really get something done here...

Just to let you know the information that moves mountains is an exact process/scenario to replicate the issue.

Also, the roaming indicator MIA is by design.
Thanks for asking, TC1 threw together an excellent detailed issue feedback form. we still need to develop a fairly simple troubleshooting process and get it distributed.

the biggest issue now is simply time to complete Feel free to PM me with any thoughts or feedback which might contribute to the process.
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  #246 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by initial View Post
Report your experience with the new ROM. Good or bad! If you figure out any solutions please let us know!

Rom can be found here:

Reported by users:
+ Bluetooth issues fixed.
+ Battery life dramatically improved.
+ Phone is more responsive
+ Alarm works (for the majority) when charging.

- Bluetooth volume decreases after the sprint customization take place.
- Roaming features and switching often cause phone to hang.
- Memory leaks still exist.
- Some bluetooth headsets are now incompatible and have syncing issues.
I'm a tech for Sprint, I did this to my phone I cannot tell any sort of difference lol
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  #247 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 05:03 AM
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Originally Posted by JSMZ View Post
ok so i just called sprint and got my prl updated to 60611.

It did stop it from freezing up right away while searching for a roaming signal requiring a battery pull....... BUT I still cannot connect to any roaming carrier * without * a soft reset while in roam only.

ALSO, if i open any apps while its trying to find a roaming signal i cannot close the app window it is stuck there, AND if you turn the display off while it is searching for a roaming signal, it will not wake up....requiring a battery pull.


OK so after the second hard reset, its still the same AND I've noticed that it DOES lock up still if I let it search for a roaming signal for about 5 minutes.
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  #248 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 01:27 PM
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Upgraded my phone yesterday and it has been working great! Has had zero lockups and everything seems to function as well or better than before. I was an early adopter of the mogul a day or two after the release and have been very happy with the phone. My prior specs were
2.08.651.4 ROM
1.32 Radio

Now the only thing that seems missing is the icon to display when roaming. If anyone finds a way to get that back, i would appreciate it.

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  #249 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Chef Parm View Post
Upgraded my phone yesterday and it has been working great! Has had zero lockups and everything seems to function as well or better than before. I was an early adopter of the mogul a day or two after the release and have been very happy with the phone. My prior specs were
2.08.651.4 ROM
1.32 Radio

Now the only thing that seems missing is the icon to display when roaming. If anyone finds a way to get that back, i would appreciate it.

update PRL to 60611,

FYI it appears as though the "Missing Roaming Icon" may be intentional as posted by another user.
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  #250 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 01:36 PM
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After updating the PRL to 60611 (with the full 2.17 update, not a hack), roaming has gone a lot better. As in it works and doesn't freeze the phone. One thing that puzzles me is this "roaming triangle". I saw it on my T-Mobile MDA but I've *never* seen it on the Mogul. Not under any circumstance, forced roaming, real roaming, 2.09, 2.16, 2.17any PRL. Not even once for a moment. So I'm not sure why people are implying that it's suddenly gone missing.
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