Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
I just got my Imagio a few days ago, and although the GPS is working just fine, I was not able to get the my location to work on the weather tab at all. Today I was messing around, happened to have WiFi on and it worked for the first time. Later I was across town, tried it again and no luck. Turned on the WiFi, and without even connecting to a network it instantly got my location. So after playing with it all day, the my location weather feature only seems to work with WiFi turned on, is this normal? I figured it would just use the GPS, just wanted to know if I'm missing something.
Incredible - Touch Pro 2 - Imagio - Touch Pro - Touch - PPC6700 - XV6700
Alltel / Verizon |
Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
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Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
Also if you are not getting 3G service the My location service seems to struggle locking a location. Sometimes you don't get one, sometimes you get one that is near but not your exact location. |
Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
I also have the i910 Omnia - and I'm due for an upgreade
Waiting for the Omnia II to come out so I can compare. I love the Dev Base that HTC devices has but that AMOLED screen on the Omina II sounded real good. Want to compare. I've played with the Imagio at the store, it feels fast, Touch Flo was very smooth. Nice knowing the GPS is not locked. The TV looks nice. The wife works for VZW and so if I get the TV service I only pay half the price. I went from the Tmobile MDA - Sprint Touch - VZ Omina - now looking to upgrade |
Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
OK...I just got off the phone with verizon tech support and they assured me that gps is not enabled for any third party apps including Bing which comes loaded on the Imagio. Mine definately does not work! I'm sensing that verizon has done the same thing they did with the xv6900 which I just got rid of, and that's disabled the gps except for their vz navigator. So explane to me how some of you got it to work on your phones or are you seeing your location via cell towers which my phone will do as well? When I use my bluetooth external gps everything falls into place. I get a moving triangle and dot on the bing maps in a matter of seconds....has anyone seen this without an external device??
Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
I did NOTHING to unlock it. |
Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
I did some major hardware upgrades this year...
Phone: 6700 (Apache) -> Imagio Computer: P4 -> i7 My world is so much faster now... |
Re: How to unlock GPS on Verizon HTC Imagio
And it definitely works with Google Maps. I can get as many as 12 satellites at times. It'll even show which lane I'm on on the highway. |