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  #451 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 03:32 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

I played with one in the Sprint store today and the rep told me they would be coming out for sale tomorrow in the store.
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  #452 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 09:19 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

So picked mine up yesterday from the wife's job (corporate store in Reston), had actually stopped in just to play with it but they were letting them go and also MINUS the MIR!! =P So walked out the door with it for $179 plus tax bill to our account.

Was messing with it all night before going to the movies. I gotta say it's a big difference moving up from the Mogul!! I still haven't really customized it yet and have just been testing out all the settings, features and all. Got back from the movies last night past 2am and stayed up reading the manual and messing with it till almost 5am!

So one of the issues i'm having right now is that at the store I had the sales guy transfer my contacts from my mogul onto the phone instead of just doing the google sync which created a ton of duplicates once I sync'd up with google when I got home. So I went through all of my contacts and tried deleting them but getting an error stating that I have exceeded the amount of deletes for my gmail account. For some reason it's stating that i'm trying to delete 250 contacts when I know it's not that much. I need to check gmail online to see if I can just delete them from there.

I really have to get use to the senstive screen and the keyboard of this phone. I'm SO use to touchpal and could type pretty fast on it. This thing is so touchy and reminds me of my brothers Diamond, I could never type right on it when I would briefly mess with his phone. Need to see if there is a way to turn down the sensitivity or something. Or I guess I just have to re learn how to type.

And the last thing is how do I close apps? I was so use to the task manager in WM. It seems as though android keeps some apps open running in the background and others it closes? Like I opened up googlemaps and it turned on the GPS but I can't figure out how to close it. It seems like it continues to run in the background and I can see the GPS still running on the top bar. The only way I got it to turn off is by turning off GPS fom settings. Anyone know if Android has a task manager or something like it?

Aside from that I'm loving the way the contacts are integrated with FB as well as how you can see all emails/texts/FB statuses all in one place for your contacts. I did notice some delay though as I was matching up some of my FB friends to my contacts. Their picture wasn't being updated at first but I woke up this morning and noticed that they were there.

So far i'm liking the phone compared to my RAM deprived Mogul. It's nice to finally have a phone that doesn't crash when you run too many things and be able to use the camera at the same time and not having to shut it off for more RAM like the mogul.
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  #453 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 09:53 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

Okay, so after checking my account online, guess what it said? "Everything 500" plan, even after the contract I signed at BB said SERO F&F 500. I went back to BB and after going back and fourth with the clueless Best Buy rep and Sprint customer service, retentions gave me a $20 credit every month, for two years. I accepted it because I really didn't feel like there was any way that they would let me keep my SERO plan. This way at least I'm only paying a little more than I was, and not double.

Sorry for the false hope about keeping SERO, the first Sprint CS told the Best Buy guy that I COULD keep it..
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  #454 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 10:25 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

Originally Posted by quiqnezz View Post
And the last thing is how do I close apps? I was so use to the task manager in WM. It seems as though android keeps some apps open running in the background and others it closes? Like I opened up googlemaps and it turned on the GPS but I can't figure out how to close it. It seems like it continues to run in the background and I can see the GPS still running on the top bar. The only way I got it to turn off is by turning off GPS fom settings. Anyone know if Android has a task manager or something like it?
Google hasnt made a task manager that comes with Google phones. However there is one in the market that got really good reviews and is only $0.99

also see the wierd little square barcode at the top?
instead of searching for apps on the Android Market, theres an app where you just scan the barcode and you scan a URL and can download apps to your phone easier and quicker.

you find the barcode app in the Android Market, its pretty cool and saves time.
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  #455 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 10:44 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

i don't know for sure of its finer points and that task manager for $1 may have more features but there is at least a basic one called "task killer" (i think) that is free if i'm not mistaken
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  #456 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 10:59 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

^^ yup, thats the one on my Hero-VogueDroid. It works really well, gives you a list of the apps and you choose which one to close
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  #457 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

Originally Posted by Maitiu View Post
I thought I'd let you guys know that I JUST got my Hero, and kept my SERO plan. I pre-ordered the phone(obviously), and picked it up early with the Best Buy rewards program.
Originally Posted by Maitiu View Post
Sorry for the false hope about keeping SERO, the first Sprint CS told the Best Buy guy that I COULD keep it..
Yep, I lost mine too.

Oh, well. Now to bring the price back down with discounts!

That is why I didn't take the everything plus plan. No corporate discount allowed in that one.
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  #458 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 11:41 AM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

Thanks guys for the info, gonna check out those task managers. Anyone remember which wifi router app was the one said to be working on android, and how much it costs?

Seems as though I fixed my contacts issue by deleting all the duplicates from my gmail account online. It seems as though the email is pushed but I thought if I made any changes like deleting an email from my phone that it would be instant online which doesn't seem to be the case. It seems like I have to refresh it for the change to take place online. However if I send or get an email from either my phone or the web it's instant.
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  #459 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

I posted this in the Android OS forum too, but a question for you guys...

Are all of you still on v 1.5 (Cupcake)? I'm trying to get to 1.6 (Donut) and theres not too much helpful information on the web about it -- probably because the phone is not released through all channels yet.

Tried the system update... nada
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  #460 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 02:00 PM
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Re: HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!

Yes, we are all on 1.5. 1.6 shouldn't be far behind. Should have some really nice upgrades too.
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