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-   -   HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed! (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=77325)

eehrhard 07-31-2009 12:29 AM

HTC Hero on its way to Sprint! Confirmed!
From Engadget

Now listed on HTC Support website!
From Engadget again.

amw1972 07-31-2009 12:36 AM

Re: HTC Hero on its way to sprint October 11th?
hmmmmm decisions decisions....

Touch Pro 2 OR jump to Android with Hero....HMMMMM](*,)

ajac 07-31-2009 12:38 AM

Re: HTC Hero on its way to sprint October 11th?
Wow interesting!! I may try a hero even though I have a feeling i am gonna love my tp2!

jmelan 07-31-2009 12:38 AM

Re: HTC Hero on its way to sprint October 11th?
glad to see android phones are going to make it to sprint finally. a little competition should be good for everyone

w7excursion 07-31-2009 12:55 AM

Re: HTC Hero on its way to sprint October 11th?
Ill take a hero sandwich but not a phone.

kariya 07-31-2009 01:37 AM

Re: HTC Hero on its way to sprint October 11th?
All depends on which one they allow SERO on...

nyczwillz 07-31-2009 01:52 AM

Re: HTC Hero on its way to sprint October 11th?
HTC TP2 definitely.

a lot of people saying it won't work with android. hence why I switched and now I have my PRE AND I AM SO HAPPY@#!!

jbearamus 07-31-2009 02:38 AM

HTC Hero on Sprint 10/11?
This might be wishful thinking on my part but apparently the new rumor is Hero on Sprint in October

Apogee 07-31-2009 02:59 AM

Re: HTC Hero on Sprint 10/11?
I sure hope Sprint gets Android in the form of the Hero! I saw this on Engadget a little bit ago and wrote it on my calendar I got so excited!! :headbang:

jbearamus 07-31-2009 04:04 AM

Re: HTC Hero on Sprint 10/11?

Originally Posted by Apogee (Post 1072316)
I sure hope Sprint gets Android in the form of the Hero! I saw this on Engadget a little bit ago and wrote it on my calendar I got so excited!! :headbang:

is it sick that i put it on my TP's calendar?

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