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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2012, 05:40 PM
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Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

I won this phone on ebay for 100 bucks free shipping. So if it needs to be professionally repaired, it's still a steal since they're easily going for two to three times that amount.

But I got it opened the package and powered it on and it booted successfully, so I thought okay hey everythings working great. Maybe they hard reset it and it fixed itself.

Went to install Co0kie's Home Tab, asked me to reboot so I did it and then it loaded and viberated 5 or 6 times and stayed on the T-Mobile stick together screen.

Tried doing a hard reset and nothing.

If ya need the red code 3 line code let me, I'll try to get it again. So far I got this much from it.
3.14.04666 (All I managed to gather from the third line before it disappears, can't get it to go to this screen again)

I think I saw a 50 in there, not sure if thats any indication to to radio brick instead having the 51 version radio.

Or if ya know the method to get it to go to the 3 red lines again let me know, usually it doesn't load that far.

As far as bootloader it says
PB81120 SS-B3

Also if it gets past the startup screen it'll suddenly reboot/reset for no reason.

Downloaded the official t-mobile stock rom 2.13.531.1 and extracted Signed_RUU.nbh and renamed it leoimg.nbh and it doesn't wanna update it just sits and hangs there no percentage at all or sometimes it'll just reboot.

Looks like I'm going to the cellphone repair store to see what they can do.

Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 01-21-2012 at 10:43 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2012, 01:26 AM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
I won this phone on ebay for 100 bucks free shipping. So if it needs to be professionally repaired, it's still a steal since they're easily going for two to three times that amount.

But I got it opened the package and powered it on and it booted successfully, so I thought okay hey everythings working great. Maybe they hard reset it and it fixed itself.

Went to install Co0kie's Home Tab, asked me to reboot so I did it and then it loaded and viberated 5 or 6 times and stayed on the T-Mobile stick together screen.

Tried doing a hard reset and nothing.

If ya need the red code 3 line code let me, I'll try to get it again. So far I got this much from it.
3.14.04666 (All I managed to gather from the third line before it disappears, can't get it to go to this screen again)

I think I saw a 50 in there, not sure if thats any indication to to radio brick instead having the 51 version radio.

Or if ya know the method to get it to go to the 3 red lines again let me know, usually it doesn't load that far.

As far as bootloader it says
PB81120 SS-B3

Also if it gets past the startup screen it'll suddenly reboot/reset for no reason.

Downloaded the official t-mobile stock rom 2.13.531.1 and extracted Signed_RUU.nbh and renamed it leoimg.nbh and it doesn't wanna update it just sits and hangs there no percentage at all or sometimes it'll just reboot.

Looks like I'm going to the cellphone repair store to see what they can do.
Hey any updates to your problem ? i too have an HD2 but i got mine for 50 bucks ;P
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2012, 01:34 AM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

One person said bad NAND and a repair shop said bad Motherboard...

So I'm the hunt for another one, even with a bad screen or whatever as long as it still has a good mobo to replace with the other one and swap them out. - Then that (The labor swap out) will cost me 80.00 bucks, but the phone cosmetically is in mint condition. So it'd be worth it to me.

Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 02-05-2012 at 01:39 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2012, 07:28 PM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

Did you try puting the phone in a bag and in the frezzer and then try to flash it.
It may be overheating which is a hardware problem not a software problem
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2012, 07:34 PM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

It's a bad motherboard, guaranteed. This is a known issue with HD2s
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2012, 09:54 PM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

@orangekid maybe bad NAND because if the mom was bad it wouldn't even power on.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2012, 11:21 PM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
@orangekid maybe bad NAND because if the mom was bad it wouldn't even power on.
bad NAND gives failed flashes, not random reboots and 5 vibrate problems, that's an overheating MB.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2012, 03:18 PM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
One person said bad NAND and a repair shop said bad Motherboard...

So I'm the hunt for another one, even with a bad screen or whatever as long as it still has a good mobo to replace with the other one and swap them out. - Then that (The labor swap out) will cost me 80.00 bucks, but the phone cosmetically is in mint condition. So it'd be worth it to me.
I would try task29 first before deeming it broke lol . It could be as simple as a flash gone bad . Or worse it could be the nand which is the motherboard the main memory might be shot but i would try task29 followed by either a winmo ROM or MAGLDR or cLK

EDIT: Overheating sounds about right too but since you can get to bootloader , press volume down while booting phone . Then plug it into a USB and try to flash using USB i dont like updating via SD card as it sometimes doesnt work (not bad but not good SD card)

Last edited by elesbb; 02-16-2012 at 03:24 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2012, 08:07 AM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

Originally Posted by elesbb View Post
I would try task29 first before deeming it broke lol . It could be as simple as a flash gone bad . Or worse it could be the nand which is the motherboard the main memory might be shot but i would try task29 followed by either a winmo ROM or MAGLDR or cLK

EDIT: Overheating sounds about right too but since you can get to bootloader , press volume down while booting phone . Then plug it into a USB and try to flash using USB i dont like updating via SD card as it sometimes doesnt work (not bad but not good SD card)
Considering it would start backup and load, otherwise I can't do diddly unless theres a way to do it off an sd card.

Tried it even though it booted up and loaded normally and it just sat at the black HTC Loading screen stuck at 0 precent. Just like when trying to rom update from sd card.

It came back from the repair shop, nothing done to it except failed attempts at Android, WinMo and WP rom updates, but they somehow got WinMo back on it cause when I got it and was home I powered it up and let the battery charge to 50% then went through a quick setup after a the hard reset they must've done instead of the long setup... I took it to Atlanta CPR, they told me they could order the mobo for me and it would all come out to $179.00 or if I could get my hands on a good one they'd replace it for $79.00.

So I'm still on the hunt for a good hd2 with a bad cracked screen and a good mobo.

Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 02-17-2012 at 06:29 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2012, 07:13 PM
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Re: Stuck On Boot Screen or Random Reboot While Booting (Help!)

Originally Posted by n1nj4Lo View Post
Considering it would start backup and load, otherwise I can't do diddly unless theres a way to do it off an sd card.

Tried it even though it booted up and loaded normally and it just sat at the black HTC Loading screen stuck at 0 precent. Just like when trying to rom update from sd card.

It came back from the repair shop, nothing done to it except failed attempts at Android, WinMo and WP rom updates, but they somehow got WinMo back on it cause when I got it and was home I powered it up and let the battery charge to 50% then went through a quick setup after a the hard reset they must've done instead of the long setup... I took it to Atlanta CPR, they told me they could order the mobo for me and it would all come out to $179.00 or if I could get my hands on a good one they'd replace it for $79.00.

So I'm still on the hunt for a good hd2 with a bad cracked screen and a good mobo.
You can put it in the refrigerator (no joke) for 20 mins, then try a fast SD flash to at least get an OS on there. It will probably randomly reboot though.

If you're feeling adventurous you can try this:

Solving the thermal problems of HD2 or other snapdragon powered devices - xda-developers
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