Originally Posted by zone23
I think MS did the absolute bare minimum to stay in the market. They are getting killed right now (mobile division). I don't know whose idea it was to basically stop selling Windows Mobile devices while Apple and Android stomp them into the ground but they should be fired. If you think about it by the time WP7 arrives most people will be locked in to 2 year contracts. They wont be able to buy new devices.
Dead-on!! Nor will they even want to. And I'm sorry, but WinMo was only good in the RARE event that I got my hands on a custom rom that had minimal lock-ups! The fact was, that WinMo NEVER worked will with my exchange push services. Lockups were quite frequent so long as I was using that. I used to be an MS fanboy, but sorry... no longer. They had my dedication for far too long. The ONLY reason they had it is because I refused to be imprisoned by iPhone.
Android is the only phone I have owned that has made my iPhone friends consider switching... that is saying a lot.