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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 11:55 AM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Fine. Close the thread mods. People wont have a fair discussion. Ill make sure I say hi to xiled for you all.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

while the A4 chip in the iPhone 4 is superior to the Snapdragon especially in GPU aspects and battery efficiency, I think it's a little unfair to claim that the Evo is a failed HTC device etc...

You have to keep in mind that Android is Open Source and as we all love that freedom, we have to deal with the fact that at times it is not going to fully utilize the hardware to its full capability as fast as you'd like.

Apple has 1 phone to worry about, Google has A LOT. They have to port their OS to every new device with different specs than the last. It will be ironed out.

Also, to point out that there was a network wifi failure at some point during WWDC doesn't reflect on the hardware power of the iPhone. Objectively and factually, the iPhone has better hardware specs than the Evo with the exception of the camera (on a cellphone 8mp isn't better than a 5mp though), and the 4.3" size (although lower resolution and much lower PPI).

The iPhone will run videos smoother and they will look better, and games will play more smoothly as well, but the Evo is an awesome device and Android is very very fun. But yes, the A4 chip is demonstrably superior to the Snapdragon, but I would not let that sway you away from buying an Evo.
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post
Fine. Close the thread mods. People wont have a fair discussion. Ill make sure I say hi to xiled for you all.
what are you talking about, there's no reason I see to close this thread, lol.
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Crippled or not, it's currently the best device in the US on an awesome network. So, my choices were pretty clean cut.

-Stick with Sprint and get the best available.
-Shell out a lot of money, go with an inferior network, get raped monthly on the bill, and get data caps on an already crappy data network all just to flash around a device that can play games better? lol no thanks.

I'd much rather prefer better call quality, camera quality, bigger screen, and customizable open OS with support by the best communities around (primarily xda). At the cost of games not running 'smooth like the iPhone.' I mean if that's the only thing you can say the iPhone has over this, it's a no brainer.

In other news--man, that exil3d kid was really annoying.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 12:35 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
Crippled or not, it's currently the best device in the US on an awesome network. So, my choices were pretty clean cut.

-Stick with Sprint and get the best available.
-Shell out a lot of money, go with an inferior network, get raped monthly on the bill, and get data caps on an already crappy data network all just to flash around a device that can play games better? lol no thanks.

I'd much rather prefer better call quality, camera quality, bigger screen, and customizable open OS with support by the best communities around (primarily xda). At the cost of games not running 'smooth like the iPhone.' I mean if that's the only thing you can say the iPhone has over this, it's a no brainer.

In other news--man, that exil3d kid was really annoying.
well it's got better glass front and back, made out of better materials, has a much higher resolution, much better PPI, faster and more efficient processor with a much better gpu, a better task manager/multi-tasker, much better apps that run a lot better in the OS (e.g. iheartradio is nearly impossible to keep a steady signal in android, pandora runs much smoother in iOS too), many more free games and apps, higher resale value if you decide you don't want it after all, the ability to use it in other countries, as well as the other U.S. gsm carrier.

But like I said, the Evo is an awesome device and it IS on a better network than ATT and does cost less per month, it does have a bigger screen and it does run Android, and truth be told I like android more than iOS.
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well it's got better glass front and back
Subjective in terms of making the phone better...

made out of better materials
True, but does not add to functionality of actual device.

has a much higher resolution, much better PPI
Jury is still out on this one. I haven't played with one to really compare. At the same 3.5 inch display, I see this as more of a gimmick than a feature. I'd still prefer the 4.3 inch display with current resolution/PPI.

faster and more efficient processor with a much better gpu
Again, I haven't played with, or seen any benchmarks to compare the A4 to the Snapdragon. As for GPU, eh, so far this is true. However, we have not seen the true potential of the EVO considering the 'cap' and maybe some other driver related factors.

a better task manager/multi-tasker
No way..

much better apps that run a lot better in the OS (e.g. iheartradio is nearly impossible to keep a steady signal in android, pandora runs much smoother in iOS too)
Much better apps? Subjective, considering a dev only has to worry about a few factors when creating an iPhone app. There are dozens of Android devices and only 3 different types of iPhones (with a fourth launching), all of which gets support dropped shortly after the release of a new model.

many more free games and apps
Fair enough, I'm not too familiar with the amount of free apps on iTunes, but the Android market is growing more every day, and without the restrictions of iTunes, you've got a ton of awesome apps emerging on the Android platform all the time.

higher resale value if you decide you don't want it after all, the ability to use it in other countries, as well as the other U.S. gsm carrier.
Fair enough, but in the US only two carriers count, and they both have very inferior networks to Sprint.

But like I said, the Evo is an awesome device and it IS on a better network than ATT and does cost less per month, it does have a bigger screen and it does run Android, and truth be told I like android more than iOS.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 01:28 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
Jury is still out on this one. I haven't played with one to really compare. At the same 3.5 inch display, I see this as more of a gimmick than a feature. I'd still prefer the 4.3 inch display with current resolution/PPI.

960x640 is higher than 800x480 no matter what the screen size, you'd have better PPI even with a 4.3", but having it on a 3.5" means the PPI is insanely better. It does make a difference, play with one on the 24th and see what you think.

The processor is much more power efficient, take a look at the iPad power life, it's freaking amazing! and the GPU on is wayy better, with the samsung humminbird CPU much better graphics handling than the snapdragon.

I don't wanna turn this into an iPhone v Evo thread, we have enough of those.

My main point is that the iPhone can and does handle graphics a lot better, but that the Evo is still very nice for graphics and tweaking the OS will utilize its hardware better to get the smoothness you're looking for.
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
960x640 is higher than 800x480 no matter what the screen size, you'd have better PPI even with a 4.3", but having it on a 3.5" means the PPI is insanely better. It does make a difference, play with one on the 24th and see what you think.

The processor is much more power efficient, take a look at the iPad power life, it's freaking amazing! and the GPU on is wayy better, with the samsung humminbird CPU much better graphics handling than the snapdragon.

I don't wanna turn this into an iPhone v Evo thread, we have enough of those.

My main point is that the iPhone can and does handle graphics a lot better, but that the Evo is still very nice for graphics and tweaking the OS will utilize its hardware better to get the smoothness you're looking for.
No doubt the PPI is better, but no matter how much higher the PPI is you can't make the buttons, or on screen keyboard any bigger for my fingers. I used to be in printing and there are some misconceptions about PPI. First of all PPI is very relative to how close you are to the subject. So with a smaller screen you would theoretically have it closer to your face negating a portion of the extra PPI.

Here is a real life example most people don't know. Billboards can get away with being printed at 25 dpi, in fact you'd rarely find a billboard being printed at more than 75 dpi. This is because as the distance between the print/screen and viewer increase the dpi can be decreased without being readily apparent. Now most print media you see is at minimum 300 dpi. We're talking over a 1000% increase in dpi, yet to you the billboard will appear to be as high resolution as the magazine you're holding.

The same holds true for jumbotrons. So if we do the numbers the iphone's dpi is 32% more dense than the Evo's, but because of the smaller size to get the image viewed to look the same size you have to hold it closer to your face thus negating a good portion of this pixel density. Why do you think Computer monitors were at such high resolutions years and years before regular TV's. It's because you are viewing them much closer.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:15 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

i have a touchpro 2 i dont want, 2 months old(was replaced recently) perfect condion..i want a evo bad n ill take it with all the good the bad n the ugly i read here im at dfve@socal.rr.com
email me
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 02:46 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by dfve View Post
i have a touchpro 2 i dont want, 2 months old(was replaced recently) perfect condion..i want a evo bad n ill take it with all the good the bad n the ugly i read here im at dfve@socal.rr.com
email me
Nice try but I dont see anyone willing to drop the EVO here.
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