Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
Snapdragon isn't crippled. This same processor is on the Droid Incredible. It's either software or firmware.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk |
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
Nexus One is now having the same issues with the OTA final firmware that is just coming out today...so definitely not such a simple issue...
Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
Wow! I am going to hold off on buying unti a fix actually comes out. I wont give htc 1 penny for yet another cripple device.
Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
have to agree with you! im eager to get this device however the multiple issues my fellow ppcgeekers seem to be having is causing me to wait and see what fixes they will provide and if the fixes will actually work... c'mon htc get it done
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hd2 user here...its not the snapdragon! |
Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
I dunno i haven't ran into any problems with my evo besides one incident were sense didnt load after i unlocked my phone but a battery pull fixed that
Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
I haven't had any issues and I play a game that takes up over 25mb of device space and haven't experienced any issues with those hardcore graphics or slow down in the app or accelerometer whilst playing it.
Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
If you research you will find that HTC knows of the frame rate issue on the Evo. This is not hardware based...its is either software or firmware based...and they said it would be addressed and fixed by the time the Evo gets Android 2.2. Yeah, having a big screen and playing games is nice, but isn't that what your PC at home is for? If anything I will be downloading ROM's for SNES, Nintendo etc and emulating them....which doesn't required squat for GPU performance.
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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