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Old 06-13-2010, 04:40 AM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post
Is this dejavu? Is the Snapdragon crippled like the ms72xx cpu's? I have come across several articles on tech sites like xda and engadget and a few other concerning Evo owners complaining how bvthe framerate is capped and how 3d games do not run any faster than the old HTC devices. Similar Htc Tilt issues with the hardware accelaration. I am considering to purchase the Evo but I sweared I would not but another HTC device ever since the xv6800 (mogul) fiasco about the lack of 3d accelaration. So is the Ev o crippled aswell? I dug deep on youtube to see 3d gaming on the device and I must say its terrible. Please give me your honest opinion. And please dont say its not a psp or dsi or xbox. I had high hopes that we wedre going to get a device at least close in how smooth the iphone runs in 2d and 3ed. But looks like Evo is still way behind. Ps. not a iphone troll. Just want iphonje performance.
What do you care about 3d gaming? you're using Windows Mobile. Even if you were using an HD2, which you're not, I'd laugh at you for talking about gaming. Believe me, I know because I've used WinMo for years. EVO gaming is fine and it still beats out older htc devices. Navigating the interface is super slick... nobody even knew about the framerate cap until some hacker dug into and outed it. The cap isnt restricted because of hardware either. If it was such a big issue, we'd be returning our EVOs don't you think? We aren't because the experience is still amazing.
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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