Originally Posted by freeza
Jury is still out on this one. I haven't played with one to really compare. At the same 3.5 inch display, I see this as more of a gimmick than a feature. I'd still prefer the 4.3 inch display with current resolution/PPI.
960x640 is higher than 800x480 no matter what the screen size, you'd have better PPI even with a 4.3", but having it on a 3.5" means the PPI is insanely better. It does make a difference, play with one on the 24th and see what you think.
The processor is much more power efficient, take a look at the iPad power life, it's freaking amazing! and the GPU on is wayy better, with the samsung humminbird CPU much better graphics handling than the snapdragon.
I don't wanna turn this into an iPhone v Evo thread, we have enough of those.
My main point is that the iPhone can and does handle graphics a lot better, but that the Evo is still very nice for graphics and tweaking the OS will utilize its hardware better to get the smoothness you're looking for.