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  #2111 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: Unrooting EVO

You don't have to unroot, just download a stock rooted rom, copy it to your sd card, boot into recovery and install.
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  #2112 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: Unrooting EVO


Try this method. chris did a good job explaining how to do it. Its not that tough. Just follow all the steps exactly as it says. You should be able to get to 2.2 then and flash whatever ROM you want. Hope this helps. Make sure to thank him for his post too!

Give some
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  #2113 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 12:57 AM
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I think I bricked my EVO

I'm a long time EVO user and today I got my second one - White EVO HW 004 I've got for my wife. I carefully rooted it using HBOOT 2.02 instructions and it seemed to go well, besides the fact that it failed to FLASH radio, but it looks like alot of others had the same issue. So after rooting, I've booted in to a ROM and was able to verify that I have fool root access. So my next step was to FLASH OMJ ROM v4.0. This is where the things started to go wrong. I did whipe of everything and then selected FLASH ROM< from SDCARD. I got e:can't mount SDCARD: After rebooting EVO it vibrates 5 times quickly and dies. I can still boot in to bootloader and go to recovery. but bootloader does not like any of the PC36IMG.zip files I'm feeding it - it shows that it sees it and the progress bar moving on initial load, then checking it, then back to bootloader menu - i no longer get prompt to FLASH it. Recovery still can't mount SDCARD. I've tried using SDCARD from a working EVO - same problem. Am I screwed? Help please!
found on another forum:
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
while in bootloader/fastboot - this force-mounted sdcard, and now , recovery could see OMJ ROM and FLASHed successfully.

However my USB port no longer working neither for charging nor for adb, and I'm no longer rooted as I FLASHed stock ROM. There are some instructions on the web to recover USB port, but they require root, and I need USB to root, so I'm kind of in a dead loop. I will appreciate ideas.
installed z4root, got temp rood and followed the instructions from post#1. USB is back alive!!!!

Last edited by leonidm; 12-11-2010 at 08:49 PM.
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  #2114 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 12:31 PM
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Need some help guys Root related

Before I get bashed for not SEARCHING, I did! There are so many different thread and almost every thread contradict the other methods or has alot of opinions and not fact!


Phone: EVO
s/w:3.29.651.5 Froyo
Hardware: 003

Method: Unrevoked 2.3
[GUIDE] One Click How to Root EVO with Unrevoked 3.21 *NEW EVO'S WONT WORK 11.16.10* - xda-developers
have hboot 0.97.00000 (don't know what is hboot?)

Current phone rebooted to
"unrevoked to root my EVO. Everything seems to be okay except on final boot into recovery, I get the normal installing info and then this:
unrevoked forever S-Off patch v1.1
verifying system type
E: unsupported radio version
E: update failed. Check /sdcard/soff.log.
E: error in /data/local/unrevoked-forever.zip
(status 42)
Installation aborted.
/tmp/recovery.log was copied to /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log. please open ROM manager to report the issue.

Help, what should I do?

Edit: I am rooted. I have superuser app, but in Hboot it still shows S-On. I also checked and I have the most current radio version."

No now I know I am rooted cause the Super user app is there and I am able to use WIFI THETHER.

1) how to I unroot if i have to bring the phone back to sprint? (most important question)
2)where am I along the process of rooting? what can i now do with my phone?
3)how to apply a rom?
4)what is the recovery menu? clockworkmod recover v2.5.0.1 (i get here by selecting recover menu when i boot up the phone)
5) am i missing any important steps?

Again please don't bash me, if you can help I appreciate it all.
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  #2115 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

1-flash the stock shipped rom to indoor and return to stock
3-copy the zip to your sd card and power off, then hold volume down and power to boot to recovery. it will scan the zip, and prompt you to flash
4-reports are that the aman ra recovery is easier to use and more stable
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  #2116 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 01:45 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

Originally Posted by neudof View Post
1-flash the stock shipped rom to indoor and return to stock
3-copy the zip to your sd card and power off, then hold volume down and power to boot to recovery. it will scan the zip, and prompt you to flash
4-reports are that the aman ra recovery is easier to use and more stable
Hey Neudof, thanks for taking your time and effort for helping me.

1)what do you mean "to indoor"
3) makes sense! thanks
4)aman ra recovery is easier to use? can I change to the recovery?
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  #2117 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 01:56 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

You are only partially rooted, you have superuser access and that's it. I don't believe you can flash a custom rom yet unless it has been signed. You still have to complete the root by running the unrevoked forever app to turn you S-off in the hboot. Once you've done this you can do everything that rooting allows. Before you do anything, boot into recovery and run a nandroid backup so that you can restore your phone to present condition if something goes wrong while your playing. It is good practice to do a nandroid backup before installing a new rom so if you have any problems you can quickly restore your phone back to its working condition.
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  #2118 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

To change your recovery to aman ra the easiest way is to download rom manager from the market and then one of the options is to flash an alternate recovery at the bottem, select aman ra1.8 and it will flash the new recovery. Once that is done select the option to boot into recovery and do your nandroid backup with aman ra, it backs up so much more than the default recovery that unrevoked installs which is clockworkmod recovery.
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  #2119 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 02:06 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
You are only partially rooted, you have superuser access and that's it. I don't believe you can flash a custom rom yet unless it has been signed. You still have to complete the root by running the unrevoked forever app to turn you S-off in the hboot. Once you've done this you can do everything that rooting allows. Before you do anything, boot into recovery and run a nandroid backup so that you can restore your phone to present condition if something goes wrong while your playing. It is good practice to do a nandroid backup before installing a new rom so if you have any problems you can quickly restore your phone back to its working condition.
That was going to be my next question, what is a good way to back up. So the nandriod makes a back up where? on the sd of on the phone itself? and the stock sprint backup rom will be replaced with the one I currently use now?

Can I choose to stay like this? because all i am looking to do is use the tethering and wifi tethering.

can I unroot easily right now?
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  #2120 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 02:07 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

will do right away....if you can help answer some questions i posted about this post that would be great, thanks cruise350
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