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Old 12-10-2010, 02:06 PM
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Re: Need some help guys Root related

Originally Posted by cruise350 View Post
You are only partially rooted, you have superuser access and that's it. I don't believe you can flash a custom rom yet unless it has been signed. You still have to complete the root by running the unrevoked forever app to turn you S-off in the hboot. Once you've done this you can do everything that rooting allows. Before you do anything, boot into recovery and run a nandroid backup so that you can restore your phone to present condition if something goes wrong while your playing. It is good practice to do a nandroid backup before installing a new rom so if you have any problems you can quickly restore your phone back to its working condition.
That was going to be my next question, what is a good way to back up. So the nandriod makes a back up where? on the sd of on the phone itself? and the stock sprint backup rom will be replaced with the one I currently use now?

Can I choose to stay like this? because all i am looking to do is use the tethering and wifi tethering.

can I unroot easily right now?
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