Re: Official HTC EVO Review Thread
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence showing you ever tried" -Someone Really Smart
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An EVO rant
Im sorry for this but get your flame sticks ready. Ive used the new EVO for a full day now and all I can say is wow. Everything Ive tried to do with this phone has been a not only good...but WONDERFUL experience. We spend weeks , if not months waiting for a ROM release that will blow out socks off and yet never really seems too. This phone blew my socks off... I appreciate all thet that chefs have done and the ROMs have been great but its time to move on. Technology has left WM6XX in the dust and it will never get better, just different. To all considering a switch , DO IT . You wont be dissapointed.
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Re: An EVO rant
That's awesome. But remember the age of the TP2 vs. Evo. If the evo doesn't knock your socks off, then there's a problem. I would hope Sprint's biggest new phone for awhile is better than all others they have.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Random Phones>>Treo 800w>>Touch Pro>>Touch Pro 2 |
Re: An EVO rant
hows this a rant even??
rants are usually a gripe or complaint, your praising.. you can suck on Androids teet some more over here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=181 **can you tell im bitter about having to give up my pre-order lol**
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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Re: An EVO rant
I think it's more like the majority (pretty much all) commonly available WM phones all suffer from the same problem: weak hardware. If I could get a WM phone with a snapdragon, I'd be straight. WM is still quite a formidable OS, it's just limited by the hardware it runs on. With the exception of the HD2 and LG Fathom, what else is there really that has a snapdragon and runs WM? And regardless of that, I'm on Sprint and can't get either of those phones!!! If WM's hardware selection was more up to date and accessible to the majority of users, I think people would enjoy it a lot more.
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Re: An EVO rant
WM6 is a dog for resources and processes. To see this just run xandroid on a touch pro2 and you can see it is amazing ....now imagine that same xandroid with 3d acceleration and polished drivers.
With that said....android is a fantastic OS .....it is thriving right now and eventually 2.2 with blow your socks off all over again on any android or makeshift device with its speed enhancements. Congrats on the evo..... I see a "shadow" or "droid 2" in my future. Cant wait to see an evo run on verizon though...Soon enough soon enough.
Big Red - Winblows 6.WTFCares....TP2 does Droid!!!
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To chime in ... the text input sucks. I miss the keyboard of the tp2 no lie .. the phone is pretty damn amazing otherwise but I got a need for speed when it comes to text input .. i used to type 100mph .. now its a slow 40 .. ppl say give it time but I might have to give this sucker back unless I find a better k.b in the market
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evo 4g, lemon, mic |