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  #521 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by blockhead428 View Post
Why can't everyone just give everything to me while I sit on my lazy ass and do nothing? Typical liberals.
Only somebody that has been completely brainwashed by our corporate overlords could possibly make that connection/statement.

This is what bothers me about the fee: Sprint advertises "unlimited" internet with their everything plans. When faced with the question, "why do I have to pay for 4g when I don't have any coverage and wont for the forseeable future?" they answer "we'll remove the cap from 3g." In that case they should not call it unlimited, they should call it what it is: 5gb worth of data. It's a flat out lie, and THAT's what bothers me about the fee, not the actual 4g fee itself, especially since I live in a 4g market (Seattle).

Last edited by cuchanu; 05-29-2010 at 04:14 PM. Reason: added explanation for not liking the fee.
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  #522 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2010, 07:05 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours


I know that you showed 4 other phones that you find comparable and then showed why you don't like or don't understand some of the feature advantages of the Evo. I think you missed one CRITICAL thing when you broke down the Evo though.

Yes, other devices have a 1GHz Snapdragon.
Yes, there are other devices with a 4+" screen.
Yes, there are other devices with FFC (although the number of them that can be used for video chat in US is suspect).
Sure, there are devices that have HDMI-out or WVGA.
Hell, there are even devices that offer the hotspot capability on other carriers.

However, show me one other phone available in the US that has ALL of those. When you look at the whole picture there is NO comparison and we haven't even discussed 4G.
Axim X30 -> Axim X50v -> Axim X51v -> PPC 6700 -> 700wx -> Mogul -> Touch Pro (x3) -> Touch Pro2 -> Moment -> Evo 4G

Jumped ship for Android now that WM is officially useless.
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  #523 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by linzgeneral View Post
I totally agree which is why I will not be selling mt TP2 even after I get the EVO.
Like what? Word, OneNote, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint?

I ask that seriously and not in a arrogant tone. Because while I don't use my TP2 solely for business functions, I will miss the Office Suite.
Though I'm sure there has to be some sort of Android like apps that do the same thing; and if there isn't, there will be eventually.

Last edited by OMGWTF_BBQ; 05-29-2010 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Word filter misinterpreted me.
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  #524 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 02:53 AM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Just thought I'd chime in to answer some of the concerns people have raised...

1) Can't use stylus for apps that require signature capture - they actually make styli for capacitive screens - just google capacitive stylus, you'll find some w/ a blunt end like the one marketed for iPhone and some w/ a pen-like tip.

2) "I'm not in a 4G area, so Qik and the front-facing camera are useless to me" - I'd have to do some digging, but Sprint has verified that video chat will work over 3G, it does not require a 4G connection.

3) removing the 3G cap - someone said, if there's a cap on 3G why call it unlimited... the "cap" of 5GB is not really a cap, per se. They don't cut you off completely once you reach 5GB, they just have the option of limiting your bandwidth when you reach that point. So, 3G data on all of the Everything/Everything Data plans is still unlimited. I've never noticed them doing that on my TP2, but the possibility is always there. Part of the "Premium Data" charge is that in order to ensure the "rich data experience" they are basically removing that soft cap and saying they will allow full bandwidth on all 3G and 4G data regardless of how much you use.
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  #525 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 03:15 AM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by OMGWTF_BBQ View Post
Like what? Word, OneNote, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint?

I ask that seriously and not in a arrogant tone. Because while I don't use my TP2 solely for business functions, I will miss the Office Suite.
Though I'm sure there has to be some sort of Android like apps that do the same thing; and if there isn't, there will be eventually.
You can use a program called Documents to Go available in the android market to read and edit word, excel and powerpoint documents.
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  #526 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 04:10 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

my only gripe so far is the power button. really sucks how flush it it, and is def hard to find sometimes, not as close to the edge as any other phone ive used (mogul, tp, tp2, pre) so its kind of hard to find in the dark sometimes

kind of minor, but it gets a little annoying, especially with a beast this size, makes you stretch your hands out ( and i have HUGE hands)
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  #527 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 04:56 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

Originally Posted by Cicatrize View Post
1. I use the touch Answer buton
2. I use the touch End Call button
3. I use the Phone softkey
4. I click Call

I used to do it the way you do, but I found it's more reliable on screen since the buttons are flush with the device and I have big fingers.
Yes, you can. I just don't like to.
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Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
MordyT is right.
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  #528 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 05:14 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

Originally Posted by newone757 View Post
my only gripe so far is the power button. really sucks how flush it is...
Maybe attaching a bumpy sticker on the button will help this.
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  #529 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 05:38 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

Originally Posted by dasfool View Post
Maybe attaching a bumpy sticker on the button will help this.

itd have to be well thought out tho, nothin will make your phone look/feel cheaper than some sticky button peeling off the top
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  #530 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2010, 06:57 AM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by ruskiyab View Post
You can use a program called Documents to Go available in the android market to read and edit word, excel and powerpoint documents.
I bought it, and pretty lame, even compared to MS's Mobile Office, which is lame compared to SoftMaker's office suite for mobile. SoftMaker needs to get busy on an Android version.
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