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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 05:02 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
stock youtube app, has an HQ(high quality) setting already.. and if you meant HD, i say NAY.. youtube can have HD playback, but if its not an HD shot vid, it wont matter..

and qik may be preloaded, but ive been using it on winmo since my mogul like 3yrs ago.. qik is old and certainly nothing new or to brag about..

so neither of those reasons are really acceptable as to why were getting charged..

my TP2 is abandwith hog if i want it to be... i torrent and run xbox360 at the same time.. im chewing a ton of bandwith while im doing that.. doesnt cost 10 extra bucks a month either....

**all carriers, starting in the next 2 yrs will be doing away with MINUTES on plans, and itll all be in GB's.... youll have a certain amount of GB's available to you based on your plan.. found here: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2361784,00.asp this is atleast SPRINTs plan anyways*** - pay attention to this line in the article too "Sprint's new 4G service, Hesse added, will also let Sprint offer faster speeds and more capacity at the same price. He and Clearwire chief executive William Morrow both pushed WiMAX as well as mobile data in all sorts of data."
I did mean HD and even though its not available for all videos the possibility is still there for ones that do. Also Qik with the dual cameras can be something to brag about. Not to mention what developers will come up with for third party apps. My point is merely that Sprint's reason (not necessarily my own) for the extra charge is NOT for 4G, it is because of the high bandwidth this phone is capable of using. Therefore Hesse was truthful about not charging for 4G, the EVO just HAPPENS to be 4G enabled. Now whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you. which is why I said that it will be interesting to see what happens when a less capable 4G enabled phone comes out.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by akayareal

Start @ post #21!
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 06:56 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

heres a picture of sprints site saying they dont charge for the phone, they need to update the site now i think
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File Type: jpg sprint doesnt add up.jpg (9.8 KB, 48 views) Click for barcode!

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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 08:49 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Webpages range from 1kb-20kb for the raw text (usually can be more but usually around there due to compression of gzip)..

images range from 2kb-200kb (on average)

javascript files range from 1kb-5kb (again due to gzip)

css files range from 1kb-5kb (again due to gzip)

Now most sites that use ajax also send 1kb-2kb data strings between server and back.

now don;t forget those ad banners that load 10 javascripts within each other

now notice how many small files we download daily?

and for regular downloads bit torrent benefits very well from latency mostly if they are in small block sizes.

But of course we always want faster latency and better connection...which is actually one benefit of 4G is it is not only faster but better latency over 3g.
Okay, I admit you got me there.

but CPU does have an effect on the latency, not by making it faster but "optimizes it"..aka in reality you may be receiving data at 100ms but due to the cpu being bottlenecked it only processes it at 200ms..get the point? its not that your making your connection any faster, your just making more use of what you already have.
pretty sure i already stated this, but not in such detail
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 10:32 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by snowplow54 View Post
I did mean HD and even though its not available for all videos the possibility is still there for ones that do. Also Qik with the dual cameras can be something to brag about. Not to mention what developers will come up with for third party apps. My point is merely that Sprint's reason (not necessarily my own) for the extra charge is NOT for 4G, it is because of the high bandwidth this phone is capable of using. Therefore Hesse was truthful about not charging for 4G, the EVO just HAPPENS to be 4G enabled. Now whether you choose to believe that or not is up to you. which is why I said that it will be interesting to see what happens when a less capable 4G enabled phone comes out.

As for your TP2, you are not using it for the purposes that it is marketed for. breaking the terms of service, and using the EVO the way its intended are completely different topics.
evo is not the first phone with the forward facing cam, so i cant speculate how or if it acted differently on say an ATT TP1, which did have a FFC on board..cdma ones did not..

yes its a lil shady... your talking about youtube and qik.. those arent Sprint Branded things.... maybe if they made Sprint TV-DTV capable or something.. then id be paying for something sprint put together... but sprint has nothing to do with qik or youtube... if they didnt come on the device already,their both perfectly downloadable via their websites.. and have been for a long time...

my real issue i think about it is, i bet if you take count of what state the devices were all sold in VS the amount of people that can actually use 4G(now or in the next 6-9 months)... i bet you get a number a low percentage

go here, http://shop.sprint.com/en/stores/pop...ge_popup.shtml use the drop down.. its in 11 out of 50 states.. thats only 22% coverage.. but they wanna charge 100% of their customers.. hows that NOT shady??

you guys can argue the hardware all you want... but if everything technical your saying is true, than you wont even be able to fully utilize all the super spec'd out stuff without a 4G connection or better for it to run anyways..

so now not only are you not in a 4G market, but all that sweet hardware isnt gonna perform like it should without 4G or you home network/good local wifi spot.... yet were gonna get charged like we are in 4G and that we can utilize the hardware fully...

ok, im done.. im getting the phone anyways... and ive had the 27% off thing a really long time already, so i guess i cant make it any cheaper than it is anyways... you guys know how it is.. shady stuff is, well shady.. and we always feel like were being taken advantage of... guess ive hit Sprint for sooooooo much more than a stupid 10 bucks a month charge their trying to hit me for.. so i can live with it..
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

I have to say, as a consumer in an existing 4g market, I'll gladly pay the extra 10 beans. That's on top of my $650 child support payment.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2010, 12:07 AM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

'the specs are not that great'
'Hess lied'
'We're going to sit this 1 out till the galaxy comes out'
'We don't get 4G in my area why should I even pay'
>>>> 'I don't like all the above but I'm still going to buy the phone & pay the $10'

My favorite post.

So ppl b!tch & moan & rant but still bend over.
Gotta luv americans & how they throw their principle out the windows cause they don't have to backbnone when it comes to this.

That's why Sprint wins by pricing it this way.
They should have priced it $439 - it would have made the threads more fun because of all the crime ppl will go through to pay $439 up front to get it vs. pro rating it over 2 years. LOL.

Last edited by Q_Q; 05-16-2010 at 12:14 AM.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2010, 12:13 AM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by Q_Q View Post
So ppl b!tch & moan & rant but still bend over.
Gotta luv americans & how they throw their principle out the windows cause they can't help themselves.

That's why Sprint wins by pricing it this way.
They should have priced it $439 - it would have made the threads more fun because of all the crime ppl will go through to pay $439 up front to get it vs. pro rating it over 2 years. LOL.
I personally am waiting to see what Samsung gives...

most people in america like to pay less now and would pay a monthly fee, one reason why sprint is doing bad is due to high initial costs of phones....

what is worry me more is if sprint takes it to the next step and with these addons they will end up costing as much if not more then everyone else.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2010, 01:14 AM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I personally am waiting to see what Samsung gives...

most people in america like to pay less now and would pay a monthly fee, one reason why sprint is doing bad is due to high initial costs of phones....

what is worry me more is if sprint takes it to the next step and with these addons they will end up costing as much if not more then everyone else.
hopefully sprint isn't that stupid to do that though. else what would stop me form going to verizon? well besides that wonderfully crafted Evo...but yeah
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 05-16-2010, 05:01 AM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
With all the perks I've gotten from Sprint for free and the better service experience I've had, cheaper plans, etc, I'm more than willing to pony up $10 for 4g. With everything I've got on my family plan, I'll still be paying less than I would any other carrier and having one smoking phone.
Originally Posted by Torx View Post
i dont care, im getting the evo and paying that 10 premium. i think its worth it.
i just wish tethering devices was included with that $10 instead of the additional $30 fee
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
i played with the evo using 4g, ill drop 10$ in a heartbeat. the phone is soo badass with the fm tuner/compass/front camera/visual vm/kickstand/ and my fav. is the red around the 8mp camera and inside speaker grill. its so fast you just gota play with it to really see what it can do.
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
dling stuff is like cable speeds, i swear you kids aint gonna give a rats ass about the 10 scoots.
One correction for you Darren... it's a fat rat's hairy @zz!!!! Get it right bro!!! LOL. I'm with you.
So can we get a HAPPY DANCE for all in favor of the HTC-EVO 4G even with the small $10 premium add-on???!!! Hell yes we can!!!
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