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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
I'm not denying that a 1GHz processor will be better able to provide a snappier interface, but when the limitation on loading a webpage is the internet connection, it is no faster.
Well on my laptop using 3g tethering, webpages load pretty fast..so the processor it still the bigger limitation as far as webpages go...downloads is another story.
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
the limitation from the tp2 and the evo will not be the internet connection, lol. The evo will load pages about 20 secs faster then the tp2, so what do you blame that on?
Not on a EvDO Rev.A connection it won't. On WiFi it won't either. A lot of that has to do with the TCP/IP stack and its settings. But even if set correctly, it still won't.
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
Not on a EvDO Rev.A connection it won't. On WiFi it won't either. A lot of that has to do with the TCP/IP stack and its settings. But even if set correctly, it still won't.
my nexus WILL load faster then my tp2 on the same network. YOURE WRONG MAN.
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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
the limitation from the tp2 and the evo will not be the internet connection, lol. The evo will load pages about 20 secs faster then the tp2, so what do you blame that on? walk into a verizon store and play with a tp2 and an Incredible, THEY WILL NOT LOAD PAGES AT THE SAME SPEED. you will read the whole page on the incredible before the tp2 even finishes loading.
Again, you are not leveling the playing field. The Linux TCP/IP stack is much more robust than that of Windows Mobile for one, but the entire OS is a different animal. If you want to argue what will make a page load faster, I suggest you go the Linux/WebKit vs WindowsCE/IE route. I'd agree then.
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:09 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
Again, you are not leveling the playing field. The Linux TCP/IP stack is much more robust than that of Windows Mobile for one, but the entire OS is a different animal. If you want to argue what will make a page load faster, I suggest you go the Linux/WebKit vs WindowsCE/IE route. I'd agree then.
you're getting to technical which doesn't prove any points. The evo will load pages faster then tp2 on the same network. The fact that it loads pages faster (no matter what the reason is) will cause users to use the phone more, because users will be happy with the speed the evo renders pages. The fact that people will like webbrowsing better will cause them to browse the web more which in turn causes more bandwith usage, whats so hard to understand?
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  #196 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:16 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Alright guys this thread is getting off topic. Lets keep it on track! Thanks for understanding.



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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:19 PM
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Re: Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
Alright guys this thread is getting off topic. Lets keep it on track! Thanks for understanding.

Discussing more bandwidth consumption as part of the $10 isn't on topic?

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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:27 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

So, has anyone else gotten any new info from Dan@sprint? Or for that matter gotten any help?

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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
So, has anyone else gotten any new info from Dan@sprint? Or for that matter gotten any help?


Well I sent him an e-mail that basically said 'you lie'. So I'm waiting for a response. lol, not sure if I will get one but I did receive that automated response saying that his staff will e-mail me back.

So in short, maybe tomorrow. hahah....this is gonna be interesting.
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  #200 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: dan@sprint.com response I got

Originally Posted by Mutiny32 View Post
Again, you are not leveling the playing field. The Linux TCP/IP stack is much more robust than that of Windows Mobile for one, but the entire OS is a different animal. If you want to argue what will make a page load faster, I suggest you go the Linux/WebKit vs WindowsCE/IE route. I'd agree then.
Mutiny32 you are somewhat mistaken..while it is true that a stack plays a difference the bottleneck is the CPU..aside from the obvious that it is processed by the cpu..

Let me explain why..I have a TP2 and I load a web page on the TP2, the TP2 without the 2d acceleration and etc makes the 528mhz cpu process all the gzip, 16 threads of processing, images, javascript and all other graphical rendering

On my laptop though when tethering on the TP2, my cpu only processes wifi and incoming packets..but images and webpages load fast. (because all the processing is now done by my laptop)

You can actually tell the difference by doing a ping from a tethered laptop and you will get the ping, this ping already includes the tcp/ip stack. To note though latency on 3g is not the best to begin with but 4g is better

The only difference is I am not 100% sure if it just forwards all packets or does a checksum on the tcip packets (have to actually see the code to tell) but either way checksum is effected by the CPU.

on side note, yes obviously the webkit is superior to IE and Android is lighter on the CPU over windows. But this in no way effects the bigger picture.

Last edited by gTen; 05-18-2010 at 11:59 AM.
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