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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
How?! It uses BluRay! All someone would have to do is go out and buy some blank BluRays, a BluRay burner (which I've had since 2007) and they should be all systems go...............right?! NO!

What people are forgetting is the PS3 has that cell processor in it.......and Sony kinda has that on lock......thats why there aren't any mainstream computers on the market with it! Same thing with BluRay, Sony paid the money to acquire it so they can sue anyone who tries to use it without their permission! Devs have been working on that thing for years with no luck! You can do the same thing to a PS3 game that you can do with an 360 game but in the end.....you'll be able to play the 360 game.....the PS3 game will just sit there until it can be used........which might be never!
When you burn a cd it is a bit more complicated then that as it has formats. So while you may be able to burn in some formats, you would not be able to burn in the same format a PS3 game is in.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

to back up a statement above.. MOTO DROID was suppose to be the only un-rootable device.. did they succeed?? i dunno,, never checked on it
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
to back up a statement above.. MOTO DROID was suppose to be the only un-rootable device.. did they succeed?? i dunno,, never checked on it
yup it got rooted


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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by gTen
When you burn a cd it is a bit more complicated then that as it has formats. So while you may be able to burn in some formats, you would not be able to burn in the same format a PS3 game is in.
& what format would that be?! The programs I use does everything for you when it comes to burning.............and I really don't know what "format" you speak of?!
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:12 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by gTen
There has not been 1 phone in history that hasn't been broken
EXACTAMUNDO...........well.........smartphone that is......which makes me wonder why people are waiting for the phone to get rooted before they get one.....seems stupid to me!
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:17 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
& what format would that be?! The programs I use does everything for you when it comes to burning.............and I really don't know what "format" you speak of?!
Just like the pc has fat32, ntfs and ext3 etc...the cd and dvd also have their own file systems. For early PS2 dvd burning you actually had to manually set the block size for the burning..right now many include the setting automatically.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:24 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
EXACTAMUNDO...........well.........smartphone that is......which makes me wonder why people are waiting for the phone to get rooted before they get one.....seems stupid to me!
I can explain, the features that you want from rooting, i'm already getting. So by getting a phone with less features is a downgrade. The hardware isn't all that matters, the software is the most important. And from what i'm reading adobe may have lied to us and you may actually need 2.2 framework to get the full potential out of adobe flash 10.1 Some beta testers of adobe have posted they tried to install the adobe apk on the nexus stock rom and it didn't work, it only worked on the 2.2 rom. Maybe a new apk just needs to be created but they believe 2.2 framework is needed.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 05:54 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by p-slim
I can explain, the features that you want from rooting, i'm already getting. So by getting a phone with less features is a downgrade. The hardware isn't all that matters, the software is the most important. And from what i'm reading adobe may have lied to us and you may actually need 2.2 framework to get the full potential out of adobe flash 10.1 Some beta testers of adobe have posted they tried to install the adobe apk on the nexus stock rom and it didn't work, it only worked on the 2.2 rom. Maybe a new apk just needs to be created but they believe 2.2 framework is needed.
Well.....how would you be getting a phone with less features?! According to your wording everyone who purchases a new phone is getting a downgrade! Best Buy nor Sprint will sell you a rooted phone....so maybe I'm confused on that! Like I stated before....I'm coming from a Touch Pro 2......I don't see M$ sending any update regarding WM like Google is Android! Looking @ how far away this phone is (which isn't far @ all) and how much better it is than my Touch Pro 2.......AND THE PRICE........I'm all down for getting this phone! The most exciting part to me is learning Android......I'm not gonna touch the entrails (or the SO) for about a month because I wanna learn it........but I just started cooking roms for WM......and actually succeeding with the flash of a rom you made yourself feel REALLY GOOD! Can't wait to pimp out Android!

Doesn't your Nexus One have flash?! I thought I saw a video on youtube that showed someone playing with a Nexus One that had flash?!

And what happened to the capitol "P?!"
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 06:00 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by gTen
Just like the pc has fat32, ntfs and ext3 etc...the cd and dvd also have their own file systems. For early PS2 dvd burning you actually had to manually set the block size for the burning..right now many include the setting automatically.
Forgot all about that.....maybe because I haven't had to configure the format of the disc since........uh............never! Plus changing the unit size of a disc doesn't make it load any faster or slower......in my experience it makes the disc inoperable!

But yeah.......the programs I use already has that in check.....all I do is pop a blank disc in......select whatever ISO I wanna burn and...BURN.....and there is no hassle @ all.....even with the Wii games!

Oh yeah...................and I never had to change anything on the disc from the computer to burn PS2 games even back then!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 06:01 PM
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Re: EVO "Unrootable"?

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
Well.....how would you be getting a phone with less features?! According to your wording everyone who purchases a new phone is getting a downgrade! Best Buy nor Sprint will sell you a rooted phone....so maybe I'm confused on that! Like I stated before....I'm coming from a Touch Pro 2......I don't see M$ sending any update regarding WM like Google is Android! Looking @ how far away this phone is (which isn't far @ all) and how much better it is than my Touch Pro 2.......AND THE PRICE........I'm all down for getting this phone! The most exciting part to me is learning Android......I'm not gonna touch the entrails (or the SO) for about a month because I wanna learn it........but I just started cooking roms for WM......and actually succeeding with the flash of a rom you made yourself feel REALLY GOOD! Can't wait to pimp out Android!

Doesn't your Nexus One have flash?! I thought I saw a video on youtube that showed someone playing with a Nexus One that had flash?!

And what happened to the capitol "P?!"
The nexus will have flash this week.

For almost everyone on this forum this is an upgrade, correct. But in your last post you said you don't know why someone would wait for root access before buying this phone, i'm simply giving you a reason why someone would want to wait. Someone in my position who will be running froyo next week (if the rumors are true) will be going from android 2.2 to android 2.1 if i buy the evo, that the only point i was trying to make.
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