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  #891 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2012, 10:44 AM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/9/12*

Originally Posted by johnnymac View Post
Hi guys. I flashed from fastboot. Everything went smoothly. Been running ICS for a few days. Very zippy, works great. One small problem though, I have been unable to send MMS messages. They just fail.
are you on v3.0 or 3.1?

3.0 had that issue but it was fixed in 3.1

here is the manual fix...

Originally Posted by proxhack View Post
dial ##3282# hit edit enter the msl, go to advanced then to MMSC Setting change name to

MMSC to http://mms.sprintpcs.com

MMS proxy leave blank

MMS port 8085

it should work fine after that
hope that helps every one with mms
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  #892 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2012, 09:53 PM
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I can confirm that the method OMJ posted works. I used it for my E3D a few days ago and my brother's just yesterday.

The issue where you're stuck at the HTC boot screen is due to S-On status of the hboot 1.5 root method. It sticks (I think) because the Rom flashes but the kernel doesn't.

Another method to flash is with the Flash Image GUI app below. I used this to go from v. 3.0 to v. 3.1. The app basically flashes the kernel first then allows you to (wipe caches if you choose) reboot to recovery and flash the rest of the Rom as usual. This method is very convenient and user friendly.

I'd assume as long as your on a rooted Rom with a 2.17 firmware base (like the previous pre-ICS OMJ roms) you should be fine to just flash the new OMJ v.3.1 Rom using this method. Not sure where a super wipe fits in this equation or if it'd be necessary but if you're really worried I guess you could superwipe after successfully flashing v.3.1 and then reflash it again...? (OMJ pipe in here if I'm off base lol).

Flash GUI link with explanation from xda: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1453617

Also available in the Play Store not sure if there's a difference in the versions but this one is $0.99:

Hope this helps so my accidental journey into hboot 1.5-land wouldn't have been in veign lol

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Last edited by princem131; 05-14-2012 at 10:01 PM.
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  #893 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2012, 11:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/7/12*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
OMJ's EVO 3D 4.0.3 v3.1!!!
Odexed w/ stock Kernel!!!


-Based on Myn's myn-Silk-ICS-RLS2-ODEXED-shooter base ROM
-includes Leedroid Tweaks
-MMS fix

I was not able to restore the colored icons, I need to find out which signal & wifi icons are being used by default.
OMJ is da man. I have not "upgraded" yet, but am about to in the next couple days. I just have a few questions:
1. I am on v2.6 with 2.17, so I should just be able to Superwipe and install v3.1 and have no issues theoretically, right?
2. From reading posts, Sprint Hotspot does not work? But Wifi Tether does and it's all good with 4g as well? (do you still enable clamping, etc?)
3. Have you gotten the colored icons yet?

Thanks and I look forward to your new ROM!
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  #894 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 10:21 AM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/7/12*

Originally Posted by roy8830 View Post
OMJ is da man. I have not "upgraded" yet, but am about to in the next couple days. I just have a few questions:
1. I am on v2.6 with 2.17, so I should just be able to Superwipe and install v3.1 and have no issues theoretically, right?
2. From reading posts, Sprint Hotspot does not work? But Wifi Tether does and it's all good with 4g as well? (do you still enable clamping, etc?)
3. Have you gotten the colored icons yet?

Thanks and I look forward to your new ROM!
yes, theoretically, you should just need to superwipe then flash....the trickyness comes when u have hboot 1.50.

sprint hotspot not hacked, wifi tether is preconfigured, should work for 4G, but I don't have 4G, so I can't test.

I haven't had time to change the icons yet, I'll try to look into it today.
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  #895 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 02:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/9/12*

Kind of going back onto the issue I am having with the wifi tether. I updated to the 2.17 firmware I also am running the 05/09/12 version of the OMJ rom. Both the Sprint Wifi Hot-Spot and the Wifi Tether application provide the same result. I am attempting to connect with my Asus Transformer Prime to the Evo3D and It just sits at "Obtaining IP Address" I have changed the tables and settings on wifi tether without any luck. This worked fine on the OMJ release just before ICS. Though with the ICS releases I have been having this problem.
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  #896 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 04:11 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/7/12*

Originally Posted by roy8830 View Post
OMJ is da man. I have not "upgraded" yet, but am about to in the next couple days. I just have a few questions:
1. I am on v2.6 with 2.17, so I should just be able to Superwipe and install v3.1 and have no issues theoretically, right?
2. From reading posts, Sprint Hotspot does not work? But Wifi Tether does and it's all good with 4g as well? (do you still enable clamping, etc?)
3. Have you gotten the colored icons yet?

Thanks and I look forward to your new ROM!
colored icons are back! (I missed them), see attached flashable file

Originally Posted by DreadfullyDespized View Post
Kind of going back onto the issue I am having with the wifi tether. I updated to the 2.17 firmware I also am running the 05/09/12 version of the OMJ rom. Both the Sprint Wifi Hot-Spot and the Wifi Tether application provide the same result. I am attempting to connect with my Asus Transformer Prime to the Evo3D and It just sits at "Obtaining IP Address" I have changed the tables and settings on wifi tether without any luck. This worked fine on the OMJ release just before ICS. Though with the ICS releases I have been having this problem.
have u tried deleting the wifi connection & setting up again on the TP? I know wifi tether works, I was using it earlier today for awhile.
Attached Files
File Type: zip colored.icons.leedroid.ics.zip (1.13 MB, 27 views) Click for barcode!
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  #897 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 05:09 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/9/12*

How do these colored icons get applied?
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  #898 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 07:11 PM
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Download the zip file to your sd card (or sideload it) and then flash from recovery (choose the option to reset to recovery from the reset menu. Then in your recovery select Install, select the zip and flash)

Edit: for some reason flashing wasn't working for me. I had to move the systemui.apk to my phones system folder and reboot. You can do it using EsFile explorer. Mount as read/write, extract the "systemui.apk" file and move it to your phones /system/app folder. It'll replace the current version of the apk. Reboot and be sure to deactivate mount. Had to do this on a previous version.

Can also do it via pc:

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
in FE, you need to enable "root explorer" in settings, and also when in the system folder, u have to "mount" as read/write, by default it is read only, that's why it failed.

to push manually (this is funner):

-if u don't have HTC Sync installed, download & install the drivers

-if u don't have SDK installed, download & extract these files to a folder (ie, c:\sdktools)

-copy SystemUI.apk to the same folder (ie, c:\sdktools)

-reboot phone into recovery

-connect phone to pc via usb cable

-open a command window to that folder (in W7, hold shift, then right click the folder, then choose open cmd window)

-in the cmd window type, adb devices, it should look something like this:

c:\SDKtools>adb devices
List of devices attached
HT16JHX*****    recovery
-now type, adb shell mount /system

-then, adb push SystemUI.apk /system/app

-then adb reboot

verify u have the new icons

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Last edited by princem131; 05-15-2012 at 07:57 PM.
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  #899 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 08:09 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/9/12*

Originally Posted by jae.farah View Post
Thank You For The Quick Reply OMJ. I actually Tried That Prior To Posting My Last Post. But It also Didn't Work.. I Believe If You Continue To Read On That Thread The Instructions Were On You'll See That They Mention That It Doesn't Work any Different Than CWM . Unless I'm Missing Something On That Post.
I Wish I Had a Linux System So I Can Get Rid Of This Stupid S-On Crap.. I Honestly Preordered My Evo Lte allready But I Know That I'm Goin To Miss My 4g Being That I Live In Crappy Stockton Ca and We Have Really Good Coverage here With Wimax And Won't Be Getting LTE any Time Soon..
Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
@jae.farah & @Racincason, I believe your issue is related to hboot 1.50. I know 1.50 users need to follow different flashing instructions, see Karls post below to see if u are flashing correctly.

The limitation with HTC's unlock method is that the boot partition is not flashable from recovery. This means that Kernels and ROM's with custom kernels must be flashed from Fastboot. It's easy, just see the 2nd post for the guide.

How to Flash Any ROM or Kernel You Want

You can get recovery to flash kernels for you, you just have to have fastboot boot up recovery for you. It's very simple really, and thanks again go to Brandas for pointing it out. I'm just putting it here for everyone to use.

This method will allow you to simply flash any ROM you choose without extracting any boot.img's and worrying about flashing from recovery and then going to fastboot. It's kind of a one stop shop for all ur needs.

To do this, you need to have already followed the instructions in the first post. So you are rooted and have the necessary files for adb installed. You should also have your ROM or kernel of choice on ur sd card.

This is also assuming that the recovery.img you downloaded from the first post is still in your sdk tools folder. If it isn't, now is the time to put it back there.

Now, all you have to do is get back in ur command prompt from ur sdk tools folder and do,

adb reboot bootloader
Once it says fastboot usb, you can do,

fastboot boot recovery.img
Now it will boot you into TWRP and you can flash whatever kernel you like, or just flash a ROM with a custom kernel already built in. It all works and everybody's happy.
Hi OMJ, I have been using your ROM since the original WM Sprint Touch days. Big Fan.

I too am having having issue with getting the ICS ROM to work. Initially stuck at the HTC boot screen.
Then I followed the recommendation above, now I have twrp installed and done the
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot boot recovery.img

Reflashed rom, then clear dalvik cache reboot system.
First reboot i get the screen that optimize 68 applications.
After that it just stucks at reboots and reboots and reboots..

Please help me.

Bootloader screen
Aug 7 2011,10:21:40

TWRP v1.0.3
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  #900 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2012, 08:12 PM
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Did you enable mss clamping in wifi tether? I had to enable this in order to get my Asus Transformer Prime to tether.

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Redemption ROM with Black theme
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