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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
You all seem to have come from a line of HTC products (Touch to Diamond). My path to the Diamond was a little different. I got the PPC 6700 when it first came out some years ago. It was a solid product with a good slide out keyboard and was reliable after Sprint released an updated ROM. I'd still be using it but it died. Battery life was pretty good meaning I could get through the day then I'd plug it in when I got home.
When my 6700 died 4 months ago I went into the Sprint store and bought a Treo 800w. That phone was a nightmare from the beginning and if you have problems with the battery life on the Diamond, you'd throw the Treo 800w out the window. I swear I almost did myself on more than one occasion. The phone constantly locked up, turned itself off in the middle of calls and would not turn back on for hours, wouldn't charge (even after software fix) and drew so much power that neither USB nor car charger could keep up. I returned it twice and when the third one was exactly the same as the first two they told me that if I could get by for a few weeks the Diamond would be out and I could trade the Treo even though the 30 days had expired (I made them send me an email confirming their agreement while I was in the store and wouldn't leave until I received it). The Diamond is by far the best of the three in my opinion. I've tried the iPhone but I can't tether with it and I'm not paying AT&T $160 a month for what Sprint gives me for $99. I get through the day with the battery, the phone is, let's face it, gorgeous, and I really like many of the features like weather and Sprint TV. I fully intended to return the Diamond for the pro but the reality is, I rarely had two thumbs free when texting on the 6700 and the compact QWERTY with predictive text has turned out to be a godsend so I'm keeping the Diamond because I like the size. In fact, I switched my last AT&T line to Sprint and bought a second Diamond that came yesterday. I switched from AT&T totally when Sprint agreed to give me a free Ariave for my house (I have AT&T service at home but Sprint service only works in one corner of my bedroom). Long and short, our phones provide so many services that I don't think we'll ever see 2 or 3 days without charging again so that's a given as far as I'm concerned. If I get through the work day I'm fine. Now that I have the Airave I'm cancelling my house phone which comes through my cable company. Just my 2 or 3 or 25 cents. |
Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
![]() I'm in the "cheaper, trailing edge" camp. Touch for $100 is a very good platform. All the HTC eye candy is rapidly being moved over by the various hacker dudes, because other then the vga display, the guts are very similar across the HTC line from the touch forward. Me, coming from the apache (whoa, there, big fella!) the mogul/tilt sized keyboard devices are quite bearable since I'd rather have the keyboard... looking forward to the vga/flat screens for sure, and really pulling for them to abandon the stylus and go to the glass/capacitive vs the plastic/scratchpad/resistive touch technology. So yay HTC, keep developing new layers on top of windows mobile "today" screens, keep advancing the hardware, thanks for finally realizing 64mb ram isn't gonna do it, please consider better battery technology, and try not to make your phones run so hot that you can't hold them, should you actually want to use one for more then 3 minutes in a row. (And yes, of course the Diamond will be better when the R2 hardware comes out - quietly, unknown to all of us - and a new rom is released. That will be in about 3 months, or about 3 months before it's EOL... Ah progress!)
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
Everything aside, the deal breaker is the battery. When comparing the battery life of most other phone (not necessarily ppc, but say razr, chocolate, instinct etc...) With them, its will the battery last me 1, 2, 3, or maybe 4 days. My last non ppc phone was a Nokia slider: 3-4 days without recharging, easy.
But the point is, thats all meaningless. As long as it lasts one full day and a little more for emergency (or really late nights), then I'm fine. I can charge my phone every night, no big deal. But once you get LESS than one day, its crossed the line. Its practicality has now dropped to very close to none. Any extra battery life over the one day minimum is great (and very appreciated) but the basic one day is a must. To relate in other terms: different phones have different radios, and thus vary in their reception. Thats okay, but if it has no radio at all, then it ceases to be a phone because it doesn't have all the components of a phone. To me, one of the necessary components of a phone is one (1) full day of battery life. less than that, its no longer a phone. a cool device, but its not a phone. |
Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
I guess that my Diamond qualifies as a phone then. Started yesterday morning at 6:40 am (100%). One hour of phone time and miscellaneous small tasks (check weather, turn on to check time, briefly open settings, etc.) since then. The battery still shows 60% remaining, 33 hours later. If the device is used as a phone and the device is not defective, then it performs as a phone - 4+ hours of talk time or a couple of days of moderate phone use (probably more - I will know that tomorrow). Signal strength during this period was 1-3 bars.
Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
I do not have battery problems. I can go over 24 hours just fine, although I charge it every night and have only had to do that once.
I also do not have problems with the heat. It does happen to heat up a little bit at times but it has never been major for me.... So, any other silly complaints regarding this phone?
HTC Touch Pro || Sprint
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
Thats just how PPCs are. Ive been experiencing pretty much average battery life compared to my previous PPC's- 6600,6700,mogul, touch, 700wx, 800w, etc etc. there are subtle battery difference like the mogul and 700wx definantly lasted longer but they were larger devices with bigger battery capacity to start with. i mean i took mine off the charger at about 8am, basically in standby up to now with 2 email accounts checking every 2 hours and still have 86% battery left and its 4 pm- so 8 hours later. Last edited by SprintTouch08; 10-03-2008 at 04:08 PM. |
Re: Just Returned my Diamond....
I had a mogul before and love my diamond...To the point where I am returning it and getting a new one. Due to problems that have been fixed but come back. Picture mail and roaming issues. I think its a pretty decent improment over my mogul. And to be honest I dont miss the keyboard at all. I hardly used it before any way.
![]() Sprint Touch Diamond |
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