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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 05:28 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by kingabraham3 View Post
Everything aside, the deal breaker is the battery. When comparing the battery life of most other phone (not necessarily ppc, but say razr, chocolate, instinct etc...) With them, its will the battery last me 1, 2, 3, or maybe 4 days. My last non ppc phone was a Nokia slider: 3-4 days without recharging, easy.
But the point is, thats all meaningless. As long as it lasts one full day and a little more for emergency (or really late nights), then I'm fine. I can charge my phone every night, no big deal. But once you get LESS than one day, its crossed the line. Its practicality has now dropped to very close to none. Any extra battery life over the one day minimum is great (and very appreciated) but the basic one day is a must.
To relate in other terms: different phones have different radios, and thus vary in their reception. Thats okay, but if it has no radio at all, then it ceases to be a phone because it doesn't have all the components of a phone. To me, one of the necessary components of a phone is one (1) full day of battery life. less than that, its no longer a phone. a cool device, but its not a phone.
well said. this is a real expection of a WM media phone. we can't compare a flip phone vs this diamond. diamond can do so much more with bigger screen. hence its batter should be shorter. my old Samsung 920 last more than a couple days but it does nothing except being a phone.

if you have a higher expectation, get the iphone which battery can last more than a day. but you pay arm and leg to get equivalent service at ATT.

conclusion: I love my diamond

Last edited by foxnews; 10-04-2008 at 05:30 PM.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 05:51 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

I had the diamond for about a week. I liked some of it, but expected more for the cost.

The battery life is just to horrible for me. I believe with future updates, it will probably get better but I wasn't willing to wait on sprint.

Bluetooth reception on mine was horrible, if the phone was less than 2 feet from my ear.

Mine got horribly hot with mild use. Sometimes so hot, I feared it might be damaging the phone.

Call quality was average in good coverage areas.

Typing on a touch screen is annoying for me, unless its the Iphone which I sadly went back to.

Might come back for the pro, but I fear some of the issues I hated about the diamond will not be fixed by then. So I'll be stuck with ATT for a while.
Phones owned lately: Sprint Mogul (2X), Sprint Touch, Sprint Instinct, Apple Iphone 8gb, Apple Iphone 3G, Apple Iphone 4gb, Sprint Touch Diamond
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 06:03 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by foxnews View Post
well said. this is a real expection of a WM media phone. we can't compare a flip phone vs this diamond. diamond can do so much more with bigger screen. hence its batter should be shorter. my old Samsung 920 last more than a couple days but it does nothing except being a phone.

conclusion: I love my diamond
Conclusion - frogs are deaf because they don't come when we call them.

I can leave my HTC Touch online all day at my desk at home- not make a single call or browse the web or even go near my phone and the battery is about 50%

I can leave my HTC Diamond online all day at my desk at home- not make a single call or browse the web or even go near my phone and the battery is about 0%

conclusion the battery life sucks on the diamond - could be a radio, could be bad programming, could be a physical flaw in the battery for all I know - but since I have my screen turned off and both run the same version of WM(after running a custom rom update on the Touch) the fault lies with our Diamond, not with our stars.

supposition - I would expect a $500 phone to have BT for voice communications to work as well as a free phone. I would expect after the Mogul BT fiasco that someone would test to see if th BT worked properly on the Diamond - but expecting Sprint or HTC to test their phones before selling them is apparantly unreasonble because who would ever use a phone long enough during testing to find out the battery life sucks or a BT headset sounds like crap when paired with this phone.

Last edited by boe; 10-04-2008 at 06:22 PM.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by boe View Post
Conclusion - frogs are deaf because they don't come when we call them.

I can leave my HTC Touch online all day at my desk at home- not make a single call or browse the web or even go near my phone and the battery is about 50%

I can leave my HTC Diamond online all day at my desk at home- not make a single call or browse the web or even go near my phone and the battery is about 0%

conclusion the battery life sucks on the diamond - could be a radio, could be bad programming, could be a physical flaw in the battery for all I know - but since I have my screen turned off and both run the same version of WM(after running a custom rom update on the Touch) the fault lies with our Diamond, not with our stars.

look like you got a defective diamond. If i leave my diamond in standby whole day, it drain a little. I left it uncharged over night and lost less than 10%.

don't judge the phone just because of one bad apple.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 07:13 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by foxnews View Post
look like you got a defective diamond. If i leave my diamond in standby whole day, it drain a little. I left it uncharged over night and lost less than 10% don't judge the phone just because of one bad apple.
I must concur. Put my device on the charger this morning after 48 hours of use. Battery still had 29% left. Stock ROM. Nothing special about the phone except that it is performing to HTC's specs.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 07:33 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

The Diamond has bad battery life compared to the Touch? Wow. The Touch is not very good in terms of battery life. You people are scaring me away from the Diamond.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 07:59 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by boe View Post
Conclusion - frogs are deaf because they don't come when we call them.

I can leave my HTC Touch online all day at my desk at home- not make a single call or browse the web or even go near my phone and the battery is about 50%

I can leave my HTC Diamond online all day at my desk at home- not make a single call or browse the web or even go near my phone and the battery is about 0%

conclusion the battery life sucks on the diamond - could be a radio, could be bad programming, could be a physical flaw in the battery for all I know - but since I have my screen turned off and both run the same version of WM(after running a custom rom update on the Touch) the fault lies with our Diamond, not with our stars.

supposition - I would expect a $500 phone to have BT for voice communications to work as well as a free phone. I would expect after the Mogul BT fiasco that someone would test to see if th BT worked properly on the Diamond - but expecting Sprint or HTC to test their phones before selling them is apparantly unreasonble because who would ever use a phone long enough during testing to find out the battery life sucks or a BT headset sounds like crap when paired with this phone.

Well, I'm running Juicy's ROM and my results are much different. I let the phone run for a day and a half and the battery was still at 60%. I made a couple of calls durring this time also. My email checks every 2 hours.

This is opposed to my Mogul where the battery would not even last an entire day just sitting idle.

As far as BT, I was marveling at how much better it was than the Mogul.

Sounds like a defective phone if you ask me. I love the Diamond, but not enough to cheat on it with the Pro when she comes out.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 09:13 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

I did a little experiment today after reading some battery issues and, I myself having battery issues. First i deactivated the radio, then reenabled it. I left my phone fully charged sitting on my desk today for the past 9 hours doing absolutely nothing. So far, the phone hasnt even dialed #777 to connect at all. I checked it periodically throughout the day, each time i checked it was in the mid 90s. I just checked 2 minutes ago and it was at 90%. The phone is also cold as expected.

This basically just confirms what i already know.. the 3G radio, heck ANY radio in this thing is the killer of the battery. My mogul's battery wasnt that much bigger, yet it could use bluetooth all day with only a slight difference in power consumption, and the phone would never get hot unless i was doing heavy browsing. Anytime i use the radio on this thing for anything it starts getting very warm, even if its for 15 seconds.

Im not sure if its a defective phone, or just something wrong with the radio stack, but something definitely is NOT right on this. My mogul would have to be plugged in to the wall, running 3G and WiFi to get as hot as this thing gets in 5 minutes of using Opera. Its the same core chipset right? from the 7500 family. I could leave this phone the way it is all weekend and it would still be alive. Its only consuming about 38mA the way it is now.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 09:45 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by foxnews View Post
look like you got a defective diamond. If i leave my diamond in standby whole day, it drain a little. I left it uncharged over night and lost less than 10%.

don't judge the phone just because of one bad apple.

Could be I got a bum unit. I have two e-mail accounts on my system - one push one checks every 30 minutes. How often does yours receive e-mails?

On my Touch I had 3 e-mail accounts set up - the push, the 30 minute one and another which checked every 15 minutes and I got better battery life.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2008, 09:58 PM
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Re: Just Returned my Diamond....

Originally Posted by boe View Post
Could be I got a bum unit. I have two e-mail accounts on my system - one push one checks every 30 minutes. How often does yours receive e-mails?

On my Touch I had 3 e-mail accounts set up - the push, the 30 minute one and another which checked every 15 minutes and I got better battery life.
I got two yahoo accounts and set to check every 2 hours. I will test it again tonight in standby and no charge.
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