Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
7am I unplugged my phone, down to 20% at 2pm. Sigh. So annoying. And Sprint doesn't have any batteries available and they said I can return the phone. She did mention that they were aware of the battery issues and Sprint was working on them. Not that I'd expect anything before the end of 2008, but at least they are hearing it about the battery issue. I don't even use BT or Wifi, even though I bought a Jawbone 2 for my 6700 about a month ago and loved it, looking forward to being all decked out in my JB and Diamond. Well, since the battery sucks, I can't even use BT. So frustrating. Tomorrow I'm gonna go back to manual ActiveSync and I'll try that data disconnect option. Cappy, can we just trade phones? Wouldn't that be a good indicator of whether it's a phone hardware difference or signal problem? We could really figure out a lot of stuff. |
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
Hang in there. I'll bet that Data Connection is staying open for some reason. Keeping an eye on it may solve the problem. I don't text. Any chance of that being the culprit? |
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
I checked Advanced Config, didn't see any options to disconnect after idle or whatever. Looked around for Diamond Tweak, can't find that app. EDIT: Found this in Diamond Tweaks.. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings\ CacheTime -change the decimal value from the default 600 to 60 By default the Telus Diamond will disconnect data connections after 600 seconds. This does NOT mean your data connection will turn off (as seen in the connection manager) but will be idle until needed again.Every time you terminate any programs using the data network the phone will still have an active connection for 10 min (unless you shut off the phone). Gonna try it out! Thanks Cappy! Last edited by marcjen; 10-07-2008 at 06:10 PM. |
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
For me, I: turned off wi-fi and bluetooth, turned off the light sensor and reduced cache-time down to 60. With that I am at 175mA when not doing anything except checking the drain level.
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
Just crunched a few numbers. Checking the Weather raises the discharge rate by approximately 400mA (Of course, this number would vary, depending upon what application is accessing the Internet). In my case, the connection is only on for a few seconds and then becomes inactive. So battery drain is minimal. But if the connection is left open for 10 minutes, the effect is significant.
400mA x 1/6 hours = 66.67mA drain on battery 66.67mA/1340mA=4.975% drain in 10 minutes 4.975% * 6 = 29.85% per hour drain I other words, if the Data Connection remains active for an hour, the battery level will drop by 29.85%. Limited information to rely on. But the calculation is revealing. |
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
So assuming that you are reading from NuePower and that your backlight setting is 3 instead of 1, here is my guess at your adjusted reading. 175mA - 100mA(NuePower) - 18mA (backlight-each level adds 9mA) = 57mA - same as the others in the thread To take this a step further, with the device in standby (screen off), 57mA becomes 13mA. So with your settings you should expect 1340mA/13mA=103 hours in standby. Note: I always have the light sensor on and have found that it has no measurable effect upon the discharge rate. Last edited by cappy; 10-07-2008 at 06:52 PM. |
Re: i know why battery life sucks so much!
I made the settings, restarted the phone and double checked the settings was at 60. It connected to data, then sat idle (gray bars) and continued that way for way beyond the 60 seconds. I'm gonna keep looking around to see if there's a setting for sprint or if for some reason I'm missing something. EDIT: After reading a few other forums, it would appear the connection won't actually "disconnect" but go into some idle state. I'll try it through the day tomorrow and see if there's any change. Last edited by marcjen; 10-07-2008 at 10:28 PM. |