Originally Posted by cappy
LOL. I am beginning to think that I have a real Diamond. I wonder what I can get on Ebay?
Hang in there. I'll bet that Data Connection is staying open for some reason. Keeping an eye on it may solve the problem. I don't text. Any chance of that being the culprit?
Eh, god I hope not.
I checked Advanced Config, didn't see any options to disconnect after idle or whatever. Looked around for Diamond Tweak, can't find that app.
EDIT: Found this in Diamond Tweaks..
-change the decimal value from the default 600 to 60
By default the Telus Diamond will disconnect data connections after 600 seconds. This does NOT mean your data connection will turn off (as seen in the connection manager) but will be idle until needed again.Every time you terminate any programs using the data network the phone will still have an active connection for 10 min (unless you shut off the phone).
Gonna try it out! Thanks Cappy!