Re: Its Official Sept. 14th Release of the Diamond on Sprint!
Just ordered it online. Was qualified for a $75 upgrade credit. Plus it is free shipping. Came to $519.87 with tax.....Also had the option to bill it to your account which I did.
Re: Its Official Sept. 14th Release of the Diamond on Sprint!
i just got the phone online sprint.com cost me 605$ good luck to everyone who is trying to get the phone
Re: Its Official Sept. 14th Release of the Diamond on Sprint!
man after this huge battle with CS they fixed my account back to where i was eligable for upgrade. now when i efing try to order it online it says im not available for upgrade......KILLING ME SPRINT!!!!(imagine that)
Re: Its Official Sept. 14th Release of the Diamond on Sprint!
I called in and they can't sell it I said its on the website I'll just do it there I was just hoping for a better deal, they said same deal but the website might not process it... I was like I'll take my chances I already have people wanting to call me in the morning... went online and it went right through, confirmation number and all.
Re: Diamond is Available online
I've been trying different online methods... but I keep getting that I have to call.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. |
Re: Its Official Sept. 14th Release of the Diamond on Sprint!
Anyone know where I can get spare batteries for the Diamond? Maybe an external battery charger? Thanks!
Re: Its Official Sept. 14th Release of the Diamond on Sprint!
still not showing up. The guy checked sprint.com, said he didn't see it there, but I think they are on some kind of internal system, like best buy, so he said he'd shutdown and bring his terminal back up to see if it would refresh it and if the phone would show up. Didn't work. SAid to call back in the morning around 7am. Can't use the webiste to purchase since it wants to charge me full price, when I should be getting a discount from our recent contract renewal.
Anyway, I'm not sure how comfortable I am with ordering directly through telesales, since there are the situation with my account is not standard. My wife and I renewed our contract (2yrs) 30 days ago, and upgraded both phones at the time. However, I returned my Treo 800w last weekend since I had decided I wanted the diamond instead. Return went smooth, and my credit card has been credited. The rep at the store said that after the return was processed, I'd be elegible for the contract renewal discount on another phone again, just like when I bought the treo. I think I'd rather call Customer Service tomorrow and have them verify all of this first and see if they can make the order via telesales themselves, since I don't relish the thought of trying to explain the account circumstances to the telesales employee without CS verification. |