Re: Diamond Reviews
Is there anyway to gather all info from this thread and maybe update it on the first post or maybe just run throygh and clean this thread out a bit???
Re: Diamond Reviews
I really wasn't very happy with my Diamond until I flashed MightRom3.9
I charged my phone yesterday pm, used til about midnight and up until now and I still have all battery bars green! I didn't use the phone heavily, but some (15 minutes) internet use. Typically prior to flashing Mighty Rom 3.9, using other roms and Sprints stock, I would've been down to at least half by now! I have to believe that it's about to drop 1 bar soon... I have much less memory leak and an obvious gain in battery power. |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: Diamond Reviews
After flashed mine to GrooveRom, the performance is good but battery life is still poor, even after I removed all the unnecessary running programs. In TaskManager3.1, I see some programs (shell, cprog etc.) are using quite lot of CPU time. I'm going to give this MightRom3.9 a try.
Update: I think what affects battery life the most is radio signal. Now with this MightyRom3.9 I see for the first time full antenna bars on my Diamond! Before with other ROMs I saw 1 bar only. We all know when signal is low, phone drains battery quick and runs hot. All my phones get full bars; I thought Diamond's reception was very poor, did not think a ROM could make such a huge difference. This ROM is thoughtfully cooked, my cup of tea. Some programs use too much CPU time while idle and thus drain battery constantly, such as IBM J9, JBlend, Tao Intent. JBed and Jeodek use almost no CPU time while idle, therefore my choice of JVM. TaskManager3.1 and acbTaskMan can be used to discover those poorly programmed programs, but some programs such as J9 will crash them. Oh, just encountered the first freez. This MightyRom needs some more cooking. Last edited by Fixup; 01-04-2009 at 11:40 PM. |
Re: Diamond Reviews
Just wrote this on engadget :P in their how would you change the Diamond post.
I am a new owner of the Sprint ver of the Diamond. 1. Better battery life. I mean this thing will go down doing absolutely nothing over night, though it does last me a day. 2. Touch Flo 3D throughout WinMo. Similar to what Meizu did with the M8. Using WinMo's interface is annoying for all the obvious reasons. 3. 3.5mm Head Phone jack. Seriously, I didn't think having to carry around the USB whateveryoucallit would be that annoying, but it is. Plus I am constantly checking for it to make sure I haven't lost it. They provided two styluses, they should have provided two of those. 4. The screen size when it comes to typing. It is simply too small to type comfortability on compared to my ipod touch. I often have to use the stylus. Things I don't have a problem with. 1. The screen size when it comes to watching shows. I would say that the Diamond's screen size is the minimum for acceptability, but it IS acceptable. Watching shows is easily done. Of course it would be sweeter at 3.2 inches. 2. Resistive touch screen. The only time I have to use the stylus is when I am typing. Of course my bad habit with the ipod touch (touching my fingernails to the screen) comes in handy here. Don't get me wrong, a capacitive would definitely be better, but the resistive wasn't as big a problem as I thought it would be. All in all, I love my Diamond. It could be better, but so could every other touch screen phone out there. My main problem is the lack of apps. *cough* I mean lack of good apps. It seems to me that WinMo is dying. Just look at the development of smart, sexy apps for the iPhone, Android, and soon to be Palm pre. Of course we do have a great development community around xda, and ppcgeeks, people who are developing great apps like Barcorama (bar code scanner). But this is WinMo, there should be even MORE developing going on with original ideas, and sexy touch screen friendly interfaces. Hopefully with WinMo 7, it will be meant for touch screens (as in I will never need a stylus again to check a tiny option), and will be sexy, and work great just like the iPhone OS. In other words don't **** it up Microsoft. You did it with the Zune, you can damn well make a sexy interface for WinMo 7. Last edited by CupofDice; 01-09-2009 at 10:43 AM. |
Re: Diamond Reviews
I like the Diamond. A better camera than the touch had for those rare times you might use it. 4gb ram is enough for me, but I would have liked it removable for easier transfer to my computer. Everything else is an improvement over previous models.
Re: Diamond Reviews
Ditto mike9191. I'm coming from the HORRIBLE Mogul/6800, and this thing is lightyears beyond that. It's so good, I'm WILLING to overlook some of the flaws (Minor) that the Diamond may have because NONE of them compares to the crappyness of the Mogul on ANY level. Seriously.
Diamond = Thumbsup! |
Re: Diamond Reviews
The phone is truly excellent; I flashed a new ROM (Blue for Telus), couldn't be happier: huge improvement in battery life and everything else. Somewhere in these threads somebody posted news of a new HTC unit, said to be the real iPhone killer. TD does better than very well even if it's not a killer. TDFlo needs improving but orks well with many of the good ROMs you can find here.
Re: Diamond Reviews
Maybe my next question is OOT, but i am newbie in term of diamond...
I have sprint diamond cdma, what is the specific difference between cdma & gsm? because I'd seen there are 2 sub forums for ROMs for upgrading my diamond. |
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