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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 08:23 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

looks like 4" screen phones will be flagship phones, so not sure why people are ragging on this phone. It seems like a mid level phone, where the epic and evo are clearly flagship phones.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 09:08 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by chardog View Post
looks like 4" screen phones will be flagship phones, so not sure why people are ragging on this phone. It seems like a mid level phone, where the epic and evo are clearly flagship phones.
much less the fact that it doesnt sound like a 4G capable phone... I could be wrong I only glanced at the specs though.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 09:10 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
and what happened to u? u used to fight against this fandroid bait/nonsense right along with me.
im an equal opportunity "basher" lol... im not excited for WP7 in the least, which dissappoints me because i really dont like Android all that much,never have... i do run it on my TP2 though-but i cant and Wont use a TP2 and winMO 6.5.x forever ya know lol

i have 4lines.. im not opposed to my TP2, a good android device, and a good WP7 device on there.... make a sweet, hackable phone and im down.. just dont try to give me something Old and tell me its new, ya know.. thats what Sprint is gonna do with the WP7 Pro...

im nobodys fan.. im a fanboy of myself first lol.. and technology second...i could care less about Carriers and Manufacturers.. show me a way to rip them off and i will.. DEVS-i respect them, so i treat them better..

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
that should shutup the fandroid haters around here who are mad the the upcoming G2 and possibly future android devices wont support rooting.
Blocking "root" is unethical now... the Govt tells us we can do it without fear.. then companies make it impossible to do... thats like them abolishing Speed Limits everywher, then making cars that wont go over 40mph.. see how that impinges on "Free Choice"???

anyone mad about root blocking, IMO, has the right to be upset.. How would you feel if a year or 2 ago, MS/HTC/etc started making winMO "unlockable"?? noone would like that would they? so then why bash android fans when theyre upset that it looks like blocking root may be the new thing?? rooting is to Android what Unlocking is to winMO..

your like the "anti-fandboy".. which makes you a fanboy of bashing fandroids... therefore, using principals of logic, your still a fanboy yourself LOL j/k
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

I am by no means an expert nor do I have first hand knowledge, but the last info I saw on the G2 and it be locked and unable to be rooted was false. They say that the info given out was false and that the phone will act like other android phones. Once again, not first hand knowledge or anything, just info I read about it.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 10:27 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
some love this and some love that and its a open forum so your gonna have haters/lovers all over.
Very true, and luckly most here are respectful and understand that.
Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
8 gigs of internal and no sd? Yea I think epic fail serves that about right... if youre going to have a phone in this day and age that isnt expandable youd BETTER be putting at least 16 gigs in it. That thing would be full and i'd still have 3/4 of my music/movies/apps that I cant put on it.
Some one beat me too it, But its is 16gb not 8gb

Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving View Post
All things will be revealed in time, right now this is all talk and speculation... something we do best around here.
+1 on that....i bet this thread gets huge numbers over the next 8-9 months assuming that the mods allow it to stay open

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
i feel you, and it's a crying shame that no one but t-mobile users got to get the hd2. using that with sense and 6.5 and everything works without any lag. oc'ing is one thing, but htc did it right by putting a snapdragon on 6.5. too bad ms didn't finish what they started. i liked having my pc in my pocket.
I agree with you 6.5 could have been good, But as we all know it was a stop gap and they didnt even bother to finish developing it. and the hd2 with 6.5 is pretty bad ass. its a shame! oh well

Now for my 2 cents...I have been holdin off on andrioid too see what wp7 will do and when sprint will get it. I do agree some what that the first wp7 phone for sprint could def be better, but it sounds like a good phone, and who knows things always change so we could see some changes(hopefully good one) before launch. But now that it should be out by march or April, i will prolly wait till then and see if I like it and then decide which direction that I am going to go with my new phone. I do like android as I have it on my tp2 but I want to give wp7 a chance as well.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Random Question, besides for the software difference which do you guys prefer: Pro7 or Lexikon? I really like the 5 row keyboard and faster processor but I really don't think I can live without an SD card (if that part is true about the Pro7 not having one) and it looks like the keys on the Lexikon are better spaced out

it seems like we can never have it all in 1 phone
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 01:09 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

So... no 4G? Only a 5MP camera? As thick as the TP2? And is that... a CHROME bezel? WTF. Just what I need, for another one of my phones to look like some ricer's crappy rims.

Oh wait, that's not all! BLUETOOTH 2.1? What is this, 2005?

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Look at all that wasted screen space. And that one-piece keyboard.

I think I'm going to go cry.

I'm not going to lie, I am bashing this phone. No, I'm bashing HTC. Because they obviously don't know how the hell to put out a product that doesn't cut corners.

Is it too much to ask for a phone with a hardware keyboard isn't obsolete by the time it comes out?


Last edited by [sammich]; 10-12-2010 at 01:45 AM.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
WOW is there really no end to this fandroid idiocy? i mean DAMN! if you have something negative to say about WM and use it as an excuse to goto android keep it to yourself. this may be the phone that alot of us were looking forward to. i remember alot of people saying that they were always wanting a tp2 with those specs you listed, i think its great . its a shame that u have to come in here with that garbage. WHO GIVES A DAMN if it will be outdated, it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to be totally up to date because everytime u buy a phone something better comes out immediately after so i guess ur beloved EVO is outdated too. but i dont hear u trashing it. maldito tipejo imbecil!!get the hell out of here with ur garbage
You are switching from winmo whether you go WP7 or Android...WP7 != winmo...so yes a lot of people would like to get a TP2 with those specs..but in having a TP2 winmo is what is desired, not particularly wp7.

That said everyone wants the best that is available...its always the case..next year we will probably all be hording 2ghz processors and etc...

And yes EVO is outdated already as there are many devices out that have similar or better specs. Right now in terms of hardware SGS is king..and will probably remain so until Android releases Gingerbread with Cortex A9 support. Or if WP7 has cortex A9 support and releases a phone with it.

But I'm at least glad HTC stayed with the 5 row keyboard..and I am curious as how that sliding/tilting mechanism works...it looks a bit different then then TP2 :/
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:20 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

Aside from gaming with intense graphics, how do we know the WP7 OS needs better than the current generation of Snapdragon? It could run smoothly and you may not even care once it's in your hands. I think we should wait and see how the GSM launch devices perform before we call the 7 Pro out for failing.

Screen size is a matter of preference. Many people don't want anything larger than 3.6-3.7", especially for a device with a slide-out kb. The good news is that we could always go with a different manufacturer, seeing how all of them will run the same UI. I don't think HTC Hub will be anything too impressive during the first round of phones. I might actually go with Samsung for once. If dell made a variant of the Venue Pro for Sprint, I'd be all over that in a heart beat.

Also, it's likely we'll see something in slab form with a 4.3" screen from HTC around the same time. The EVO 4G has been a huge hit for Sprint, they would probably want to capitalize on something similar for their flagship WP7 device, don't you think? Maybe the specs will be upped a bit for that device.

Anyway, Sprint always gets dated hardware, that just comes with CDMA territory. Verizon is a little better in that department because they have Motorola. If you're looking to get devices with the best specs as soon as possible, you're on the wrong carrier.

I remember a lot of people commenting in forums and on sites this year that they wanted a TP2, but with a snapdragon... well, be careful what you wish for.
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Last edited by Clipp; 10-12-2010 at 09:23 AM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:25 AM
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Re: Touch pro 7 (touch pro 3 but rename) EPIC FAIL

you guys are actin as if these specs are final and its not likely to be the only phone out at the time so GET OVER YOURSELVES!
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