Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
some love this and some love that and its a open forum so your gonna have haters/lovers all over.
Very true, and luckly most here are respectful and understand that.
Originally Posted by brownhornet
8 gigs of internal and no sd? Yea I think epic fail serves that about right... if youre going to have a phone in this day and age that isnt expandable youd BETTER be putting at least 16 gigs in it. That thing would be full and i'd still have 3/4 of my music/movies/apps that I cant put on it.
Some one beat me too it, But its is 16gb not 8gb
Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving
All things will be revealed in time, right now this is all talk and speculation... something we do best around here.
+1 on that....i bet this thread gets huge numbers over the next 8-9 months assuming that the mods allow it to stay open
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
i feel you, and it's a crying shame that no one but t-mobile users got to get the hd2. using that with sense and 6.5 and everything works without any lag. oc'ing is one thing, but htc did it right by putting a snapdragon on 6.5. too bad ms didn't finish what they started. i liked having my pc in my pocket.
I agree with you 6.5 could have been good, But as we all know it was a stop gap and they didnt even bother to finish developing it. and the hd2 with 6.5 is pretty bad ass. its a shame! oh well
Now for my 2 cents...I have been holdin off on andrioid too see what wp7 will do and when sprint will get it. I do agree some what that the first wp7 phone for sprint could def be better, but it sounds like a good phone, and who knows things always change so we could see some changes(hopefully good one) before launch. But now that it should be out by march or April, i will prolly wait till then and see if I like it and then decide which direction that I am going to go with my new phone. I do like android as I have it on my tp2 but I want to give wp7 a chance as well.