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View Poll Results: Just keeping count of the number of people who use my roms out of curiosity. Please only vote in on
At some point I have used one of colonel's roms or patches. 347 76.60%
I have not used Colonel's, but I have used another custom rom at some point. 106 23.40%
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  #201 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 01:09 PM
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Well, ideally it would be nice to not have the SD card dismount. This is why NotifyMe is set off. While we have made great improvements from the nasty DSOD days, the SD still does not function correctly.

I do not think a delay will help for this reason. NotifyMe is going off because the SD disappears. The only reason the SD re-mounts is because NotifyMe wakes the phone. So, delaying the amount of time NotifyMe waits to sound its alert is moot. It is really an unfortunate cycle. Basically, you either have to tolerate the notifications or disable the app.
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  #202 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 01:46 PM
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I was having similar issues as Trident /w NotifyMe. To my understanding, NotifyMe is really only essential if you have a phone that easily has it's miniSD eject. Since that hasn't been a problem on my 6700, I'm getting along just fine without it.

I can also confirm that there seemed to be extra files in the OEM/zzz_Customize folder of the OtherCarriers patch. Removing each of the files that CreatOS was complaining about resolved my issue there.
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  #203 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 09:01 PM
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From Venezuela

It wanted to know that possibilities it has to be able to pass the ROM created by you to Spanish.

It will be that me you can indicate a patch to be able to do it in my ppc 6700.

The ROM is fabulous that you have created.

I use other to carrrier.

From Venezuela. much better luck and successes and that you continue cooking more and ROM.

excuse for my english
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  #204 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2007, 12:41 AM
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I've flashed the ROM several times to try and correct an error I keep getting. Every once in a while (but frequent enough to be annoying) the NotifyMe notification, stating that my storage card has been removed, will pop up and play the notification sound and then stop. Almost like the storage card is taken out and replaced quickly. I love this rom and would like to fix this so I don't have to revert back to the old one. Please help.

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  #205 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2007, 05:39 AM
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  #206 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2007, 10:23 PM
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Phone hanging

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue. When I am recieveing an incomming call, the normal notification appears. Quite often (especially notice it when using bluetooth headset) the incomming call notification freezes on the screen. I can still open the start menu but cannot remove the notification (pressing ignore or answer does nothing). I dont know if it is related or not, but I am using VC and have also had intermitent error messages when starting the program. Has anyone else had anything simular occur?
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  #207 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2007, 12:29 AM
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Re: Phone hanging

Originally Posted by royals21
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue. When I am receiving an incoming call, the normal notification appears. Quite often (especially notice it when using bluetooth headset) the incoming call notification freezes on the screen. I can still open the start menu but cannot remove the notification (pressing ignore or answer does nothing). I don't know if it is related or not, but I am using VC and have also had intermittent error messages when starting the program. Has anyone else had anything similar occur?
I've had it happen, but not since I uninstalled WisBar Lite and updated PhoneAlarm to the most recent release. It didn't happen often, but was quite frustrating to see that pop-up on a frozen screen when I turned the backlight on.
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  #208 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2007, 03:22 PM
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I've been havin' that phone freezing issue about once a week or so. Also, has anyone else been having problems getting their notifications? particularly regarding text messages (Palm) and E-mails?
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  #209 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2007, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by colonel
#1 is notifyme. You can change the settings and disable it in settings. You may need to delete the link in Windows\startup

#2 Dont know on that one. I actually havent used that rom for quite a while, but I am pretty sure that ring and vibrate worked. You might double check the settings of the O2 profiles app on the Today screen. It might be changing your settings back.
You were right about #1.

As for #2, it's still driving me crazy! Isn't it Murphy's Law that once your phone is working at it's best there's still that one minor thing that refuses to work? I'm wondering if it's related to having Photo Contacts Pro installed, which is a ringtone manager among other things. Anyone else having trouble turning on Ring & Vibrate with Colonel's 3.5?

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  #210 (permalink)  
Old 05-29-2007, 09:06 PM
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It has been a while (one month) and here I am back to see what else you have upgraded and changed.

Now these are the 3.5 final.. Is that like final as in you are not doing anymore or is that like final as moving to v4.0???

I really do love these rom's. It has made the phone soooo much better.

Thanks again..... (I hope there will be a v4.0)
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