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View Poll Results: Just keeping count of the number of people who use my roms out of curiosity. Please only vote in on
At some point I have used one of colonel's roms or patches. 347 76.60%
I have not used Colonel's, but I have used another custom rom at some point. 106 23.40%
Voters: 453. You may not vote on this poll

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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2007, 05:48 AM
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Crashing Interent Explorer

Thanks again for the help on flashing this new rom. It's incredible! One question though, sometimes the internet explorer shuts down. Any ideas?
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2007, 01:24 PM
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Do you have the PIE cache saving to your SD? I know that this can cause an issue where PIE will open and then close immediately. A soft reset usually fixes this. If you are not storing the cache on the SD, please be more specific as to the issues so I can better understand them.
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2007, 04:32 PM
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sddialer.exe not executing with headset call button

Great work Colonel. I have been using your ROM and am having trouble getting the call button on my bluetooth headset to work. I made HKLM/Software/OEM/VoiceCommand/path=\Windows\SDDialer.exe but no joy. Is there something that you know of I am missing?

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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2007, 06:41 PM
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Nah, I don't have the PIE cache saved to my SD card. What happens is, when I have Internet Explorer open, if I try to scroll down a page before it's completely loaded, sometimes it just sguts down When I reopen the IE, it starts over as if I just reset the phone. Any ideas? Thanks
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2007, 06:59 PM
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Using the Patch

I'm having a minor issue with the Other Carriers patch. My setup is as follows...

Extracted "Apache WM5 AKU 3.5 Unified ROM Kitchen 1.0.0.rar" to "Kolano ROM" folder.
Created a "CBOW" folder inside that folder, and extracted "OtherCarrier3.5KitchenPatch.rar" to it.
Ran "Other Carrier Patch.bat".

At this point when I run "Create OS.exe" and hit start I get a series of "already exists and will be skipped" messages for:
Task Manager.lnk

Since they already exist I presume this won't cause a problem, but it's irksome to "OK" the 20 separate warning dialogs.

Is this caused by an extra set of config lines somewhere and if so what could be edited to prevent it?
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  #196 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2007, 10:03 PM
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Triune, that happens from time to time to me as well. It seems to be an issue with PIE. It just chokes on some pages. For instance, sometimes it will not open the normal (non-WAP) ppcgeeks main page or my fantasy football page.

Kolano, yeah, sounds like I left some extra stuff in there. I am guessing that they are in the Other Carriers Customize OEM. You can probably remove them if you do not want to deal with the errors.
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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 10:34 AM
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I just loaded the 3.5 ROM on my Sprint 6700. Bootloaded without errors. Did a hard reset
afterward. Customization tasks finished without errors.

Having the following issues:
1) Phone says no service. PCS Vision working fine - I can browse the web, but not make/receive calls, or even bring up the phone keypad.

2) Cannot view Contacts, either via icon on Today screen, or via menu pick.

3) Cannot sync with my host PC. I renamed the device to same name as before loading ROM, still no sync.

Appreciate any help/clues anyone can provide. Thanks.
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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 12:17 PM
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It may take another hard reset or two. If that does not work, flash back to an Official rom to make sure everything is working and then try the upgrade again.
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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 12:43 PM
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Problems Solved!

Originally Posted by dparks
I just loaded the 3.5 ROM on my Sprint 6700. Bootloaded without errors. Did a hard reset
afterward. Customization tasks finished without errors.

Having the following issues:
1) Phone says no service.

2) Cannot view Contacts.

3) Cannot sync with my host PC.

OK, I managed to solve my problems with some searching.

I had followed the info in Colonel's readme.txt, which states "If you have backed up your pim.vol, you can place it in the Boot folder and it will be copied for you."

However, my pim.vol was from a 2.x ROM. While searching on USB sync issues, I found eyeballz's post in another thread which states "once you make the jump to 3.3+ you will be able to sync with exchange going forward. Under no circumstances should you use the pim.vol from a aku build of 2.2 or lower."

This may be common knowledge to most people, but IMO it wouldn't hurt to have this caution added to any install guide/readme file.
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  #200 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2007, 01:02 PM
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Something minor I've noticed recently~
Fairly often when I plug the phone into the cradle or after a wake-up, it seems to think that the SD card has been briefly removed. I know this because i get the NotifyMe popup for about two seconds. Rarely, it lasts long enough for me to tap "dismiss", but it's just long enough to get the little jingle notification. I kind of like the program, but wouldn't miss the incorrect notifications. Any way to change the way it's recognizing the SD card?
Maybe have a notification after the card has been removed for more than three seconds?
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