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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2007, 07:54 PM
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But then I tell them, it's a computer first
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2007, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by 1999TL
man my friends already make fun of my phone saying it's too damn big...
LOL. Yea, I can't imagine what the future will hold.........
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by 1999TL
man my friends already make fun of my phone saying it's too damn big...
the price you pay for greatness.

my riends dont dare make fun of mine.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 11:13 AM
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none of my friends make fun of mine why. its mounted in my car when i get i have a bluetooth deck, we watch tv in soround sond, it has tomtom 6 on there it gets us where we need to go, has evdo on there to search for movie times resturants, etc, all want want but don't wanna pay for it
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 07:01 PM
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If you like your 67/6800 do not follow this link


iMate 7150.. like, omg.

whats the point in spending 600$ on the latest phone if some prick with cingular is going to pull out a 7150 and make your phone look like it was free after rebate....

if i werent on the employee advantage plan through a friend then i would go to cingular soley for that phone.

EDIT: after seeing that 7150 i got kind of upset.. emailed sprint.

"I was just inquiring as to the reasoning behind Sprints choices regarding its phone selections.. Im currently on a 6700, which gets the job done but its less powerful than a pda i had 4-5 years ago. I will be getting a 6800, which is the exact same thing with only minor useless improvements, most definitely not enough to warrant spending the 600$ or whatever sprint will be charging for it. GPS and Sprint TV will also most likely be crippled on the 6800, as they are in the 6700. Cingular is releasing the iMate 7150 at the same time. So im going to spend all of this money on the 6800, and then the 7150 will come out which will make the 6800 look like i sent in 5 captain crunch UPCs to get it in the mail. PLEASE, PLEASE, start releasing phones that are improvments on your previous phones. and i dont know if iMate does CDMA but they probably do, and you should look into that. The technology in the 6800 is 4-5 years old."
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by aughsum
If you like your 67/6800 do not follow this link


iMate 7150.. like, omg.

whats the point in spending 600$ on the latest phone if some prick with cingular is going to pull out a 7150 and make your phone look like it was free after rebate....

if i werent on the employee advantage plan through a friend then i would go to cingular soley for that phone.

EDIT: after seeing that 7150 i got kind of upset.. emailed sprint.

"I was just inquiring as to the reasoning behind Sprints choices regarding its phone selections.. Im currently on a 6700, which gets the job done but its less powerful than a pda i had 4-5 years ago. I will be getting a 6800, which is the exact same thing with only minor useless improvements, most definitely not enough to warrant spending the 600$ or whatever sprint will be charging for it. GPS and Sprint TV will also most likely be crippled on the 6800, as they are in the 6700. Cingular is releasing the iMate 7150 at the same time. So im going to spend all of this money on the 6800, and then the 7150 will come out which will make the 6800 look like i sent in 5 captain crunch UPCs to get it in the mail. PLEASE, PLEASE, start releasing phones that are improvments on your previous phones. and i dont know if iMate does CDMA but they probably do, and you should look into that. The technology in the 6800 is 4-5 years old."
Okay. Let's get a couple of things straight here that aren't total disinformation, because whether you know it or not, you're posting a lot of it.
  • Cingular is not releasing the i-mate 7150. They never said they would. They probably never will. i-mate sells their own phones, and I don't believe any i-mate phones have ever been sold by a cellular provider within the United States. May never will, for that matter.
  • Which leads into the second point. If you're looking at buying this phone, because it likely won't be sold by a cellular provider, it won't be subsidized. That means that if the i-mate JasJar is any indication (which it probably is), this phone will cost you upwards of $1,000. Probably more.
  • If you really want to compare the PPC-6800 with its GSM equivalent, take a look at the HTC Hermes or the HTC Kaiser, depending on if you want to look forward or backward in time (although comparing it to the Hermes is probably more fair, since GSM phones come out before CMDA ones do, if only due to larger markets). The prices on those are roughly equivalent with what you'll pay for the PPC-6800, with roughly equivalent feature sets. There's no point comparing a Honda Civic with a McLaren F1, after all.
  • The features you're complaining about not having on Sprint aren't likely to ever be there, regardless of how much you complain. I've poked through the pdaphonehome GPS thread, read the arguments happening here, and really, the GPS doesn't matter because they never said they were selling you a phone with one. And I honestly don't see what the big deal with Sprint TV is when you have everything that Windows Mobile offers at your feet....
  • I notice that you complain you're having technology that's several years old, that you had better stuff 4-5 years ago. Sorry, but I don't buy it. If that was true, you'd still be using stuff from that date. For example, you do realize what the biggest battery drain on your phone is, right? The cellular signal itself. If you turned that off, you'd find that the PPC-6700 lasted a fairly long time (I actually had occasion to do this). If you took your 4-5 year old PDA and tacked on a CDMA antenna, your battery life would be pathetic. Regardless if you believe it or not, what you have in your hands right now is a pretty good job in terms of compromises between size, speed, weight, and battery life.
  • Similarly, don't expect the i-mate Ultimate 7150 to have anything like decent battery life. Only a 1400 mAh battery, but with a larger VGA screen, more powerful processor, and UMTS?
  • For what little it matters, I don't think the i-mate Ultimate line is coming out in April. The current timeframe they list on the official site is "Mid 2007," which I think is post-April. PDAdb.net has updated their date to June, for example.
  • i-mate doesn't do CDMA. GSM-only.
I'm not saying the Ultimate 7150 is a bad phone. It's probably going to be pretty good, but with a fairly hefty number of caveats. I'm just saying that you're panicking without all the facts.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 08:40 PM
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WHO makes the 7150 hardware? WHAT is their reputation? We know it's not HTC... If it's a new player, I wouldn't buy their first generation product line.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 09:15 PM
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I notice that you complain you're having technology that's several years old, that you had better stuff 4-5 years ago. Sorry, but I don't buy it. If that was true, you'd still be using stuff from that date. For example, you do realize what the biggest battery drain on your phone is, right? The cellular signal itself. If you turned that off, you'd find that the PPC-6700 lasted a fairly long time (I actually had occasion to do this). If you took your 4-5 year old PDA and tacked on a CDMA antenna, your battery life would be pathetic. Regardless if you believe it or not, what you have in your hands right now is a pretty good job in terms of compromises between size, speed, weight, and battery life.

Similarly, don't expect the i-mate Ultimate 7150 to have anything like decent battery life. Only a 1400 mAh battery, but with a larger VGA screen, more powerful processor, and UMTS?

For what little it matters, I don't think the i-mate Ultimate line is coming out in April. The current timeframe they list on the official site is "Mid 2007," which I think is post-April. PDAdb.net has updated their date to June, for example.

i-mate doesn't do CDMA. GSM-only.
I would like to agree with these statements and completely say that there is always a disagreement over features in any product sold to a consumer. Lets just admit it now for the sake of our sanity. The financial backers in any company are not interested in what the people want. Neither are the people in charge of the market, say the people who come up with release dates and goals. They are worried about sales and profit to continue providing the services that they provide. We are going out at Sprint like it is their fault or responsibility to please/meet our wants and desires. They do not provide technology per'say to the users. They provide data/voice and support.. Well scratch that last one we are talking about Sprint.

They are not the ones we need to be attempting to change marketing tactics. They sell/provide the upkeep of the satilites and servers that our devices connect to, to provide for our needs; in a perfect world at least. The devices are made above their heads. We need to go to HTC, Sanyo and Utstar Comm for improving on the current devices. I can't wait to see the 6800 in my hands not because I am excited, but because I have an anxious hope that the device will actually be an upgrade. I looked at that device,
If you like your 67/6800 do not follow this link


iMate 7150.. like, omg.
And in general it is a nice piece of artwork/design on paper. I am not happy about the fact that we won't see it as most of those high end devices don't make it to our markets. This is because of those in charge of the Companies that make the devices and really those are the ones that start out taking control of what we use. I just saw a video about the future of devices from Intel. I can say WOW and all but it is not real as of yet. What needs to happen next is the market has to adapt and lower the price points of those kind of devices which in time will happen. Of course there will be another piece of ''Must Have'' products that will be in other markets and not ours repeating this cycle over and over again.

Another thing about that device is that dumb Micro-Crap. IT is bad enough that a lot of people have problems with SD cards, let alone finding one that is compatible with the device they use. Now... Are we gonna start that crap instead of improving on the Secure Digital Front, we will just make it harder to use the products. I don't mind the fact that the 6700 can't use any of the SD cards that support TV/GPS/Radio ect., but please don't go even worse off the deep end and start putting Micro mini-mini-sd cards in the devices. Just take out that and replace it will a hard-drive. This device already has SD so why the need for Micro-Cards?

Just my thoughts, please comment at will on these.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by tbhausen
WHO makes the 7150 hardware? WHAT is their reputation? We know it's not HTC... If it's a new player, I wouldn't buy their first generation product line.
My offhand guess would be Invertec, who I believe is manufacturing the current line of i-mate products (since i-mate bailed on HTC once HTC started marketing their own phones). I don't think I'd be too worried about the quality, actually. i-mate is staking quite a bit of their reputation on the Ultimate line, so they should be decent.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2007, 09:23 PM
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