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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by gbm85
The 6700 and the soon-to-be-released 6800 are business phones. Sure you can buy them as a consumer but the target market is businesses. What use does the average corporate user have for 2 gigs of storage?
What use does a corporate user have for 2gb of storage? Wow. That sounds like someone who uses their phone for nothing more than a calendar.

I'm an "average corporate user" and my business stuff takes up quite a bit of space. I keep a lot of files on my phone for ready access.. After all, what's the point of having a pocketPC if you still have to tell clients "I'm out of the office, I'll check when I get back".

And regarding non-commercial use, what does that average consumer do with an 80 GB hard drive in their home PC? They install whatever they want, without having to worry about space. (I have over 600 GB and constantly struggle with space issues)

I don't know a soul, no matter how nonchalant they are in their use, who doesn't struggle with the tiny amount of memory in their 6700. One of my female friends uses it solely because of they keyboard (she might as well have an env), yet she still manages to fill it up on a fairly regular basis.

Originally Posted by gbm85
Also RAM is much faster than flash memory. Look at all the problems people have putting today screen plugins and some programs on the storage card. Imagine trying to put everything including the OS on flash memory. RAM can be overwritten and erased almost indefinitely. Flash memory has a set "write life."

Can it be done? Soon, when flash technology advances. But not now.

they can fit 4GB of RAM into a 1"x3.5" strip of ram for a PC, and that could be shrunk dramatically if they had space constraints. Putting 1-2GB inside our phone's shouldn't be a problem.

Your comparison and comments about Flash memory's write life and speed are misguided. I never said it should be flash memory inside the phone, I was making a size comparison. There's absolutely no reason they can't fit 1gb of RAM inside this phone.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 01:23 PM
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My 6700 is messing up. The talk button doesn't work anymore and the end call button only work at times. I still can use the touch screen to make or answer call. I don't want to have it replaced yet since 6800 is coming out. When do you guys think I should take it to the store or call sprint to make sure I'll get 6800 as replacement? Is the 5/14 date is for online stock or sprint store as well?
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 06:13 PM
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I just got off the phone with a TSR helping me with my voicemail problem, and he said the 6800 is postponed until June (he said the phone is fully functional, out of the testing phase, so he doesn't know why it's delayed).

Also, as of now, there are no plans to replace a broken 6700 with the 6800 until they've exhausted their stock of all 6700s (new and refurbed).

He did, however, say it's running WM5, but "a newer version than the 6700".....so maybe 3.3?????

Don't shoot the messenger.....I understand his comments contradict others who have spoken to different TSRs.

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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 06:50 PM
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the only way i am getting the 6800 is if it comes with wm6..................
aku 3.3 wont do it for me. we are already using 3.5 and getting closer to wm6 for the 6700......................
after reading the comments from the guys who already own a 6800 -
(booting slower + lacking speeds ) when compared to the 6700 + custom
3.5 s ..........
more ram and memory whould be nice but my 6700 is blazing fast thanks to colonels custom roms and the storage card works just as well...... no issues at all...........

6800 + aku 3.3 =
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by c2meang
My 6700 is messing up. The talk button doesn't work anymore and the end call button only work at times. I still can use the touch screen to make or answer call. I don't want to have it replaced yet since 6800 is coming out. When do you guys think I should take it to the store or call sprint to make sure I'll get 6800 as replacement? Is the 5/14 date is for online stock or sprint store as well?
Well... I don't mind helping you, but next time make another post. I see why you did post it in here, but I am just kinda trying to share my opinions on the 6800 and see others as time passes on. About your problem. Are you sure it is hardware-related? Try doing a hard-reset? When did this problem occur? You can map other buttons if they are broken and you don't want to replace it yet. Perhaps those ideas will be helpful?

Let me know...

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by gbm85
What use does the average corporate user have for 2 gigs of storage?
The corporate world can get real lonely...
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2007, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by PocketPcUser
Originally Posted by c2meang
My 6700 is messing up. The talk button doesn't work anymore and the end call button only work at times. I still can use the touch screen to make or answer call. I don't want to have it replaced yet since 6800 is coming out. When do you guys think I should take it to the store or call sprint to make sure I'll get 6800 as replacement? Is the 5/14 date is for online stock or sprint store as well?
Well... I don't mind helping you, but next time make another post. I see why you did post it in here, but I am just kinda trying to share my opinions on the 6800 and see others as time passes on. About your problem. Are you sure it is hardware-related? Try doing a hard-reset? When did this problem occur? You can map other buttons if they are broken and you don't want to replace it yet. Perhaps those ideas will be helpful?

Let me know...

Well the problem started a few weeks after running Saridnours’ AKU 3.5+ Rom. I don't think that what caused the problem since I have hard reset and reflashed it with the original rom from sprint (I think it was aku 2.2) for 3 times and the problem still there. So far I haven't reinstalled any other softwares other than the ones already in sprint rom.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2007, 01:59 AM
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Well according to engadget, the chip will be much better and include many differences. Such as a 50% increase in bandwidth handling, support for up to 8meg camera, 30 fps, and a lot more graphics rendering throughput, and USB Host!

Now that doesn't mean that all these things will be available in the 6800, but the chip is capable of it...

And of course there's always the fact that there is a better likelyhood of WM6, and who knows GPSOne?!?
Mine is also a crime deterent device,
Go ahead, try to take my wallet...

Have Wifi and GPS on your phone???
Check out Navizon. It's $$$ in your pocket!
Navizon- Get paid $s to use your phones GPS & Wifi!

My Navizon Thread:
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2007, 02:38 AM
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Now if we can only get them to include a Taser function as an alternative to throwing it as a theft deterrent.

Maybe upon taking the safety off the Taser function it would go ahead and autodial 911 while simultaneously recording the audio/video of the event for future evidence.

Actually, I'd get a 6800 immediately if it attains ANY of the mentioned possibilities: "50% increase in bandwidth", "8meg camera", "30 fps, and a lot more graphics rendering throughput" or "USB Host".
Microsoft, Helmi_C, No2Chem, NexVision, tiermann, Colonel, gguruusa, luv2chill, imcokeman, jakdillard...many others. Thank you. We are all on shoulders of giants.
What's in a name? That which we call a genius by any other name would be just as smart.
I beat up Sprint and all I have to show for it is this lousy
When you were in diapers and wetting the sheets I was out hacking with the ppcgeeks.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2007, 03:04 AM
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As you all may have heard WM 6.0 has been relised in europe http://www.europe.htc.com/ for a limited groupe of Pocket PC's those whose main purpose are messageing [seems they all have a predisposition for messaging ] and may not be released in the U.S. untill the carriers accept it sprint is in negoations now with HTC however the 6700\6800's are not on the current list maby mid to end of summer

this is posted on Sprints Buzz About Wireless Forun

the Link


When do we get the WM6 Upgrade for PPC6700? Options



04-12-2007 04:39 PM Posts: 5

Registered: 04-03-2007 Reply 1 of 7

Viewed 342 times

3+ weeks ago I asked eCare about the upgrade for WM6 for the 6700. I was told the following:

Thank you for contacting Sprint together with Nextel. I understand your concern regarding the phone.

Sprint is in process to deal with Microsoft and HTC to get Windows Mobile 6 free. As soon as the deal is finalized, we would be happy to share that information with you.

Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day.

Angela S
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"

Just wondering what is being done with this and where do we as customers stand?
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