how do you upload pics to your live spaces i cant find it. i have attached the email messenger part which also backs up your contacts to the net. after you make a new contact on the phone then click on it again and chose to upload it to windows live under the options and chose either contacts and messenger or click the arrow key and chose contacts only. |
MMS Not working....and no Terminal Services!
This is the best Rom I have seen yet...Great Job! Just hoping I can SMS or use Terminal Services.....SMS not working and Terminal Services not there....Please help...the only things left to make this my everything ROM.
PPC-6700 Sprint (Love It!) Just need it all to work!
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Re: MMS Not working....and no Terminal Services!
as far as running out of room is concerned.... unless a program can write to the ROM you should not get that error.... try the cleartemp program and reclaimRAM to free up some rescources. Ill be pushing r.3 up tonight if I cant find an MMS resolution... it may have a .reg file with it that you can import that will fix it, if i can get that working as an alternative until we can fix it fully in the ROM. Batti has a startup shortcut in \windows\startup\ just delete it and batti will no longer run.... r.3 will have smallmenu as an alternative to put the meter back up at the top next to the time, or you can just leave it out all togethor, ----THE POWER.... IS YOURS!! (captain planet) ![]()
what about getting back to the orginal text messenging that sprint has with the email part, just select it under a pull down menu once you click on messenging from the today screen? i think this is causing errors with the yahoo go program when you chose to sync pictures with your yahoo account. i get the out of memoty error.
Awesome, thanks Big J!
One final suggestion for you - try out another file host, rapidshare kind of sucks because they make you wait for downloads. www.woofiles.com or www.upload.to are both good and have no "lines" ![]() |
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