I will post this in both forums, but for the response:
I couldn't find where I found these before but I have these set in custom CAB file I run that loads all my licenses and settings upon a hard reset and these are my notes:
PowerUpPollingInterval - 2 (Dword)
PowerUpPollingTime - 2000 (Dword)
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\States \Suspend
dsk1 - 2 (DWORD)
Prevents the SD Card from going into suspend; the main cause of DSOD
cam1 - 4 (DWORD)
Forces the camera to turn off during suspend, saving power.
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\States \Unattended
wav1 - 2 (DWORD)
Prevents the sound card from turning off while the unit is unattended mode.
HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\SDMemory_C lass
*BlockTransferSize - 64 (Dword)
*If you experience skipping audio try 32 or 16.
Specifies the maximum amount of blocks to send per bus transfer.
*SingleBlockWrites - 1 (Dword)
*Optional, may help with skipping video when recording to SD.
This over rides BlockTransferSize and forces the driver to use single block transfers.