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  #591 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 05:27 AM
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Raging Idiot: I cut some .net cf for speed reasons. Just re-install .net cf2 or sp2 to get it all back. Just wanted the support to work most apps while still getting the speed. But then again, thats what custom roms are all about.

  #592 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 06:06 AM
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I tried endlessly to install, reinstall, .net cf2 and cf2.2 but never could get it to work. Just something broken that couldn't be fixed. I had my hopes up when I seen the cf2.2 release yesterday alongside your latest ROM release, but it still didn't work.
I'm not seeing the speed difference. Actually, my tests have been rather thorough, and I've actually received a gain in speed.... for instance, when launching TomTom my results previously took me 15 to 17 seconds to load. Now it takes 12 to 14 seconds. Not a huge difference, but a difference in the right direction.

I've yet to determine stability, which is one area your ROM seemed to excel in.
  #593 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 09:10 AM
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I installed pr5 yesterday. No new issues at this point. However, there are a couple of little problems that were in pr4. One is when I soft reset, about 15 to 20% of the time, the today screen comes up and freezes. I have to soft reset again. Usually the second time, it goes back to normal. The frozen screen always (I think) shows the AC plug at the top of the screen, not the battery, even when it's not on AC. If I see the battery indicator come up, I know the screen is okay. The other little issue I'm pretty sure is related to xcpuscalar. Every once in a while, when closing out an app, the entire screen will slowly turn to white and the ppc will freeze up. I soft reset and then everything is okay. I have xcpuscalar set for the default, except it opens at soft reset. This phenomenon started after I began using xcpuscalar -- not before.

I had posted earlier that my problem with TCPMP not playing wma files is undoubtedly due to the fact that they came from Napster and are protected files. Currently, I've been using Conduits Pocket Player with good success. No skipping with BT stereo. The hack mn3kgtvr4 posted for using voice command with TCPMP also works with Pocket Player. Only the VC "play .... " command works, but I'm pretty happy to swap off the loss of some VC functionality for no skipping with BT.

One other comment: On another forum (can't remember which) I found reference to that A2DP key that saridnour sets to 34 to reduce skipping. I currenty have it set to 48, and as I said no skipping with Pocket Player.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2 DP\Settings]

At that forum, they also had mixed success with regulating skipping with that key. But some found that setting the other key under A2DP UseJointStereo to 0 instead of the default value of 1 improved the stereo playback quality (not the skipping). I experimented with it, and have to agree. A value of 0 seems to give the stereo a significantly better fidelity, if that's the right word. Has anyone else tried this?

On the postive side, this update seems as rock solid as the last!

  #594 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 10:05 AM
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hey sardinour,

1st GREAT ROM, I love it!

2nd I can tell you yahoo go works well w/ it (it did need to get reset and synced again though).

3rd my download was from your very first link to it, before the alt went up. It came down and installed fine. Why not use the ftp here and the others as a backup?

4th having smartdial is very important for me (well over 400 contacts). If I install the Jimmy vista dialer skin that has been floating around here will smartdial still work (it has worked well on every other rom, but it takes me too damned long to re-set everything up to have smartdial get broke).

4th It's rather trivial, but the smartdial optons menu from the phone screen is missing, any other place to enable the long scroll, and set the rest of the options?

5th in one of the roms I've tried there was a default home page for PIE - all it had on it was favorites and history. It isn't in this rom, I don't think it was in your last either, but I sure miss that little feature...

Does anyone know what the name of that file is, or better yet could someone either post, or PM it to me?

Mine is also a crime deterent device,
Go ahead, try to take my wallet...

Have Wifi and GPS on your phone???
Check out Navizon. It's $$$ in your pocket!
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  #595 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 10:27 AM
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Hyea - Ok I insalled the pr5 one last night too. Pretty impressed thus far - no crashes and it is definaly faster.

Only issues I've ran accross:
1. The bluetooth/callerID thing other have talked about.
2. chmreader.net doesn't work.
3. The MSNBC.com gizmo doesn't work.

I know why #3 won't work - its' because IE in 3.5 identifies itself differently - don't remember off the top of my head what to change to fix that.
As for #1 and #2 - I *think* what the problem is that there are a few apps running around that acutally require the SP1 part of CF1 - and I *think* that is the problem here. Perhaps this can point ya in the right direction fer a fix.....
  #596 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 12:36 PM
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Bejeweled- It begins to load and I can see the options bar at the bottom of the screen appear for approx one second, then it disappears and closes.

Bubble Breaker- Works as intended.

Kevtris- Error message "Could not load resources".

Solitaire- Works fine. Thank you for restoring the original version.


Edit- Now Bejeweled and Kevtris are working fine. I'll see if I can duplicate the problem.
Verizon XV6700
  #597 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 12:55 PM
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activesync stopped working, any suggestion? I tried rebooting my notebook and 6700 several time to no avail.
  #598 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 01:18 PM
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I'm having a couple issues with pr5 that I didn't have with pr4 and I am only using the stock rom right now (no outside programs loaded):

1. My battery life seems to be draining much quicker than with pr4. Within 7-8 hours my battery is almost gone.
2. Pr4 had an program in the start menu for "running programs" that is no longer there.
3. DSOD's. I have had at least five DSODs in the last two days even though I have hard reset twice (using the two soft keys and the reset button).

I suspect that my battery life is draining due to Activesync, but I'm not certain. I am using Exchange push mail and have it set to manually send/receive. In the past I've noticed that even with Activesync set to send/receive manually, A/S still ran in the background for some reason. In the previous version I could go in the start menu to the "running programs" option and stop it from running in the background, which I assume saved battery life. So far I haven't found a way to do that in this rom.

Anyone else having any of these same issues?
  #599 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 03:12 PM
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Re: country code

Originally Posted by mn3kgtvr4
tried it with two separate downloads tonight and get a country code error before install, I'm in Central US. Any ideas?
hardboot, set time zone, yadayada, never had this problem before.
Ran into the same thing, the package did not download correctly, try using another download method, like firefox with fireftp (it's an addon, and work well). Hope this Helps
  #600 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2007, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Jmckinney1976
I'm having a couple issues with pr5 that I didn't have with pr4 and I am only using the stock rom right now (no outside programs loaded):

1. My battery life seems to be draining much quicker than with pr4. Within 7-8 hours my battery is almost gone.
2. Pr4 had an program in the start menu for "running programs" that is no longer there.
3. DSOD's. I have had at least five DSODs in the last two days even though I have hard reset twice (using the two soft keys and the reset button).

I suspect that my battery life is draining due to Activesync, but I'm not certain. I am using Exchange push mail and have it set to manually send/receive. In the past I've noticed that even with Activesync set to send/receive manually, A/S still ran in the background for some reason. In the previous version I could go in the start menu to the "running programs" option and stop it from running in the background, which I assume saved battery life. So far I haven't found a way to do that in this rom.

Anyone else having any of these same issues?
Have the same issue with activesync...with addtion to what you've already done, try this, goto ur phone settings, and on Time Sync setting, uncheck the auto sync feature. Everytime ur phone goes to sync, it pulls up activesync. See if that helps.

I really like this rom, was really missing the email address autofil thingy when I tried v4. Great work saridnour!
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