Originally Posted by flyh60
I have not a clue about how to load this upgrade..Is there anyone out there that would be so kind to direct me to step by step Stupid people instuctions on how to upgrade my PPC 6700 so that I can enjoy the fruits of Helmi_c labor?? I've been so Pissed at Sprint for not making a Vista OS and now I finally have a chance to use this phone like I want to but I cannot without some help...I'm currenly in bootloader...took an hour to figure that out...my computer does not recognize the RAR file....what do I do now???  
Go to
www.rarlabs.com and download winrar. Then install it and you will then be able to open up the rar file. Inside of there is an exe you'll need to double click on. The rest should be easy. Make sure you perform a hard reset after the flash is done (hold down both - keys on the front of the device while pressing the stylus in the reset hole--you'll get a prompt to press y on the screen). Then after it boots up and you see the prompts to align your screen, choose time zone, etc. get ready to do a soft reset as soon as you see a message on your screen about "Customizing the device in 3 seconds"--you need to interrupt that process because it will try to load old, incompatible files onto your device.
If that all sounds greek to you, you might want to reconsider doing this upgrade--you should have a fair amount of technical knowledge about these things (mostly by reading the forums here) before attempting a rom upgrade.
Also review the bug fix thread here in this forum (at least the first post and the last few pages) so you can be aware of the problems that exist.
Have fun!