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  #1021 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 03:54 AM
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I plan on buying a 6700 from the wireless company NTELOS, is it possible to use the Cricket ROM to change it from the ntelos carrier to cricket (for use with cricket)?
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  #1022 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 09:04 AM
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regional Settings

hi all!!!
Is there a way to add another Regional Settings.. (Russian) please let me know... with out it this Apache no good to me
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  #1023 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by cab3 View Post
Ok, so I'm a bit curious about a couple of things. It seems that the Serial Number that was reported in GoodLink changed from my original WM5 install where the serial was shown as ESN:ABCDEFGH After the install of Helmi_c's ROM, I noticed that the serial number showed up as: IMSI:0030AAABBBCCCC where my ten-digit phone number is the last of that string. I'm curious if this is expected behavior, and if any others with Sprint phones noticed this change, and if it caused any problems?

Specifically, I'm trying to correlate whether that change could have anything to do with my failure to get GoodLink working, while rspppcgeeks has been successful with his Verizon, which presumably wouldn't have changed Serials (or at least in the same manner as mine did!).

Thanks, all, the help has been great!
Just to clarify - so did you do a clean GL install after the WM6 upgrade and found that GL was now using the IMSI for the binding? I am assuming so since when GL was hanging on me, I couldn't get to the preferences screen to check the status where the GL SN is shown. Or were you finding it another way.

It doesn't make sense to me why the WM6 upgrade would cause it to change. Figuring that out is a good puzzle. Not any help, I know, but I agree it is odd.
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  #1024 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 10:19 AM
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Smile THNKS!! Works GREAT!

Wow, Cudos for the awesome Apache hack for my XV6700! Installation was flawless and the system works great. It was much easier to install than I expected.

I was sick of the WM5 bugs and decided if I turned it into a brick, I'd just get an iPhone or something... but love my phone now!

Thanks for the work of getting it to work on my XV6700!!
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  #1025 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 10:27 AM
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Everything works great! It's like getting a whole new phone! The stability is huge, I was rebooting my phone several times a day. Haven't had to once yet.

Just a little input. I'm missing the voice dialing feature from the original VZW XV6700 WM5 version alot. I used it all day every day, and it may be the one reason I go back to WM5, unless someone knows of a good freebie for voice activated dialing.

Also, I've never built a ROM, so I'm not likley to build one myself, but a scaled back version, with just the basics would be great, then I can add the things I want without the overhead. Does anyone know how (a reasonably easy way) to remove some of the things I don't need?

I have to say though, I'm truly impressed, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to do this for all of us, and I for one appreciate the effort, and will show it with a donation.
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  #1026 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Schwartz View Post
Anyone Get Secured WPA WIFI To Work???? Help Please!

Is this an issue with ALL builds or JUST the Verizon or JUST the Sprint release. Alas, this could be a show stopper for me too.

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  #1027 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by ParrotHead View Post
Again - I have a Verizon 6700. I understand the first part of this (resetting prior to the customization), but can you explain further the "unlock your extrom" statement.

1. What does this mean?
2. How do you do it?
3. What does it win me?


The ExtRom is the partition that has the cabs to install the carrier customizations. Helmi's WM6 rom has all the customizations already built-in, so you can use the unlock tool to unlock the ExtRom & delete all the cabs in there. Then you can use that space (around 10mb) for storage or to install more programs.
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  #1028 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by rspppcgeeks View Post
Just to clarify - so did you do a clean GL install after the WM6 upgrade and found that GL was now using the IMSI for the binding? I am assuming so since when GL was hanging on me, I couldn't get to the preferences screen to check the status where the GL SN is shown. Or were you finding it another way.

It doesn't make sense to me why the WM6 upgrade would cause it to change. Figuring that out is a good puzzle. Not any help, I know, but I agree it is odd.
Originally Posted by cab3 View Post
Ok, so I'm a bit curious about a couple of things. It seems that the Serial Number that was reported in GoodLink changed from my original WM5 install where the serial was shown as ESN:ABCDEFGH After the install of Helmi_c's ROM, I noticed that the serial number showed up as: IMSI:0030AAABBBCCCC where my ten-digit phone number is the last of that string. I'm curious if this is expected behavior, and if any others with Sprint phones noticed this change, and if it caused any problems?

Specifically, I'm trying to correlate whether that change could have anything to do with my failure to get GoodLink working, while rspppcgeeks has been successful with his Verizon, which presumably wouldn't have changed Serials (or at least in the same manner as mine did!).

Thanks, all, the help has been great!
I also have had a problem with Goodlink and WM6 on my Sprint PPC6700. I did not stop the auo-configuration of Sprint goodies after installing the new WM6 Rom. When trying to install goodlink with a new PIN, I get the Sprint PCS not supported error.
I originally tried a goodlink recovery from backup(which failed), and then tried a new PIN.
Anyone have any luck with WM6, Sprint and Goodlink?

oh, and my serial # changed the same way, to an IMSI with my phone number at the end of the string.

Last edited by coachigdon; 09-11-2007 at 01:26 PM.
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  #1029 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 01:48 PM
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So far so good. Just over a week now.

ONE question. How do I change the schedule for the automatic profiles on the HTC home page? My phone continuously goes to silent/vibrate mode by its self.
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  #1030 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2007, 05:00 PM
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Anyone know where I can get WM6 for my phone it's a Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard)?? Thanks!!
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