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  #621 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 03:24 PM
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When you run activesync, go to: tools/options/ and check the box near "contacts" and it will sync your contacts between the PC and the apache.
HTC Vogue - Sprint SERO 500 plan
HTC Apache - Verizon 900min. voice and Data plan

Last edited by DeadlyAP1; 09-02-2007 at 03:28 PM.
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  #622 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 03:28 PM
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Send a message via MSN to lordshadowz
Did that already. Nothing happens at all. I made sure I also checked "Replace items on device". Thats why Im so perplexed.

ROFL- Update ! Ok I am really stupid people. If I ever make a ROM don't download it hehehe. Anyways I figured out this instant why it didn't sync the contacts. I had Microsoft outlook open. I just closed it out and clicked Sync and bam its loading the contacts LOLOL. Sheesh.....

Last edited by lordshadowz; 09-02-2007 at 03:30 PM.
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  #623 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
Hi All,

First of all this being my first post I want to thank Helmi for creating this awesome ROM !!!!

I have the Verizon Xv6700. I loaded the ROM with the Bootloader. The installation went perfectly. I added the Verizon Customizations and NO third party apps yet.


1) In the E-mail program. I was setting up my e-mail options. When you look to where to store attachments, it will NOT list the SD card. It will only list the RAM and a ROM2 storage. I could find NO way to save attachments to my SD card.

So far thats all I've found. I've had no problems with the Wifi, Nor bluetooth. Web Browsing and music playback is excellent. Phone calls and text messages have gone without a hitch.

I do have one question. Please forgive me if I sound stupid. I have all my contacts in Microsoft Outlook. I simply cannot find a way to move them back onto the phone. How the heck do you do it so I don't have to retype them all ?!?!?!?!

Oh and is .net included in WM6 ? or do I have to install that ? Just checkin
1. The only way to do this is to re-hide your extended rom using the appropriate registry keys. It's got nothing to do with helmi's rom or WM6, other than that helmi's rom leaves the extended rom visible.

3. According to others, Helmi's WM6 incorporates .net CF2.
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  #624 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
ROFL- Update ! Ok I am really stupid people. If I ever make a ROM don't download it hehehe. Anyways I figured out this instant why it didn't sync the contacts. I had Microsoft outlook open. I just closed it out and clicked Sync and bam its loading the contacts LOLOL. Sheesh.....
That's great! Normally, Activesync always works with Outlook running. In fact, AS starts Outlook in the background if it's not already running. I'll bet Outlook had an open or suspended process like a settings window or something when you tried to sync. That might keep outlook from responding to the activesync requests.
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  #625 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 04:00 PM
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Hi All

I am trying to install this on my Bell 6700.

If I put it directly into bootloader mode, when it tries to query the device for information, it hangs and bails, if I run the program when activesynced, it will read the device fine, put it in bootloader mode, then die with an error 201.

It does say USB on the bootloader screen

Any suggestions?
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  #626 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 04:53 PM
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Thumbs up I Worship You


WM6 runs so much better on my phone. Faster, smoother.
Thank you so much, really outstanding job man.
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  #627 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:00 PM
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i love the new update..i just have one issue..

when i send a text message i get a notification telling me that the text was sent...which is fine..i like that notification..

but about a second or two later i get a text message..telling me that my text message was sent...is there anyway to disable this text message being sent??? it never happened before using wm5.
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  #628 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:06 PM
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This update works tremendously well on my Sprint Phone. I am experiencing the text messaging issue where the sender's name doesn't come up and I get their phone number at the end of the message. Interestingly it only happens on messages from other phones. If I send myself a message from the Sprint PCS website or AOL IM then then sender populates normally.

Someone mentioned erasing the extened ROM would correct this. I did have a couple questions to that end.

1) What's the best way to accomplish this?
2) Is there a specific file to delete or the whole thing?
3) Does the Sprint version of the WM6 ROM have everything I need to get my phone up on Sprint (are there any Sprint files I need to replace in the Extended ROM in order for my phone to attach to the network normally)

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  #629 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:23 PM
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Vc 1.6 + Wm 6

Originally Posted by 2ndchance View Post
I don't think Helmi_C can legally include the full version of Microsoft Voice Command, as there is a pirating issue. I have version 1.6 and it works flawlessly. It seems like its a "hit or miss" when it comes to this.

I, for one, am not having ANY real issues. I installed it the first hour it came out and it's been working like a champ. I guess if there were any issues, it would be that it "does" seem to run a little slower...
Are you saying you have a purchased license for VC 1.6 and you installed it on top of helmi's ROM?

I'm not having any issues with helmi's ROM, either. It is very fast.

I simply wanted VC full capability through BT, including incoming call announcing. I read on Microsoft: "If you have a Windows Mobile 5.0 device prior to build 15097.3.0.0, you will not be able to receive spoken caller ID notifications through the Bluetooth headset."

But the latest WM 5 ROM from VZW opr utstarcom was lower than 15097.3.0.0.

So googling bt voice command, i saw this site. I had no idea there was such thing as alternate ROMs. So I got all excited seeing WM 6 ROM for the XV6700, since WM 6 comes with VC.

Can somebody confirm that they have VC 1.6 working with helmi's WM 6 ROM? As I said ealier, after installing helmi's WM 6, a trial install of VC 1.6 does NOT work...

Thank you
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  #630 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2007, 06:34 PM
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Office APPs

First I would like to say so far works perfect I like alot Thank you for taking the tremendous amout time I know it took. However there is one thing that is an absolute must cannot run this without and that is the office suite for the mobile this is what seperates this device from devices like an iphone.
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