Originally Posted by lordshadowz
Hi All,
First of all this being my first post I want to thank Helmi for creating this awesome ROM !!!!
I have the Verizon Xv6700. I loaded the ROM with the Bootloader. The installation went perfectly. I added the Verizon Customizations and NO third party apps yet.
1) In the E-mail program. I was setting up my e-mail options. When you look to where to store attachments, it will NOT list the SD card. It will only list the RAM and a ROM2 storage. I could find NO way to save attachments to my SD card.
So far thats all I've found. I've had no problems with the Wifi, Nor bluetooth. Web Browsing and music playback is excellent. Phone calls and text messages have gone without a hitch.
I do have one question. Please forgive me if I sound stupid. I have all my contacts in Microsoft Outlook. I simply cannot find a way to move them back onto the phone. How the heck do you do it so I don't have to retype them all ?!?!?!?!
Oh and is .net included in WM6 ? or do I have to install that ? Just checkin 
1. The only way to do this is to re-hide your extended rom using the appropriate registry keys. It's got nothing to do with helmi's rom or WM6, other than that helmi's rom leaves the extended rom visible.
3. According to others, Helmi's WM6 incorporates .net CF2.