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  #1361 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2007, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Trident View Post
I've been having some serious resetting issues [meaning that when I soft reset, VC would not load correctly or the device would freeze before the reset was complete or not everything would load correctly; I was also getting random freezes during the day] for a few weeks. I was just about ready to do a hard reset and start from scratch when I tried uninstalling programs one at a time. It only took one. I love the program and what it does, but phoneAlarm seems to have been causing most of the issues. Soft resets are now consistent and quick. I do miss having my profiles set properly and my BT headset doesn't automatically connect all the time, but I think I can handle it.
I doubt that pA was doing all this itself- my guess is that it was a conflict with at least one other program and possibly with the bastard ROM. But the device is a pleasure again.
Has anyone else had any issues with pA?
Is anyone else using any of the related programs successfully? [Spb Phone Suite, SBSH PhoneWeaver, etc.]
I tried to warn you about phonealarm months ago! This was a reply to one of your posts:


I paid good money for that app a few years ago but refuse to use it because I think the well-intentioned developer concentrated too much on packing in useless features instead of ensuring stability of the core feature set. I even had problems with the "Lite" version. I tried and got burned by newer, supposedly more stable versions for a couple years before I wisend up--now I just make sure to let people know that the app is going to destabilize your device sooner or later--the more of its features you try to use the more unstable your device will be--and that goes for WM5 and WM6.

You might look into SPB Phone Suite--that app has been rock solid for me and many others.
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  #1362 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2007, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by luv2chill View Post
I tried to warn you about phonealarm months ago! This was a reply to one of your posts:


I paid good money for that app a few years ago but refuse to use it because I think the well-intentioned developer concentrated too much on packing in useless features instead of ensuring stability of the core feature set. I even had problems with the "Lite" version. I tried and got burned by newer, supposedly more stable versions for a couple years before I wisend up--now I just make sure to let people know that the app is going to destabilize your device sooner or later--the more of its features you try to use the more unstable your device will be--and that goes for WM5 and WM6.

You might look into SPB Phone Suite--that app has been rock solid for me and many others.
That's the greatest "I told you so" without actually saying it I've ever heard. I will acknowledge that I remember you making those comments, but since it was working for me at the time, I kept on using it. Not a good decision.

Right now, I'm using PhotoContacts Pro and the OEM/Sprint Today plugins for Wireless & Messaging to see if they can replace the majority of the pA functionality. Takes a little more effort, but will probably be worth it for stability. I might try the SPB product on your recommendation. Does it allow for selecting BT headsets in the wireless section of the Profile settings? Does it allow selection of different "alarms" for the various phone options (I want to be able to see a VM alarm and don't care about MMS)? Is there an option to select profiles based on the power/Activesync state? Can automatic profiles be prioritized? What about assigning ringtones (if it does this, then I could get rid of PhotoContacts too; it also seems to slow down the phone when a call comes in)?
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  #1363 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2007, 02:40 AM
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Thought I would add that my phone was giving me problems for a short while and then got better, and one of the programs I installed briefly and then uninstalled was... guess what... phoneAlarm Lite.

I use PhoneWeaver, which seems to do a good job with phone and ring and other profiles.
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  #1364 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2007, 06:24 PM
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I'm trying SPBs Phone suite for a little while. So far, it seems nice. I'm still having an issue when the phone rings the device freezes. Sometimes it's still freezing for a bit, but it seems to get unfrozen after a few minutes. Obviously, I've missed a few calls. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen all the time and I haven't figured out what the pattern is.

If this doesn't work itself out, I'll try PhoneWeaver.

If that doesn't work, I'll try none of them and hope that it's just a glitch in the WM6 ROM that will be fixed in the next update/Kitchen. Whenever that is.
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  #1365 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2007, 09:23 PM
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Any idea when the next release will be? I'm not too paranoid about any of the current bugs, but it has been quite some time since initial release, and was just wondering when we might expect an update? It will for sure be before an offical release by HTC or Verizon, so whatevr the case may be I can wait

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  #1366 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2007, 02:10 AM
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Question Wm6!?>

I had WM6 on my last ppc-6700 (Alltel) and it worked great except for a few things like: #1 lost my Transcriber (loved that thing) #2 my display started out like a true HTC then it reverted back to some of the 5.0 looks (like the password screen and the phone dialer) #3 I dont have the icons to show me if I sent the call, missed the call, or if the call came in to me. (seems like my screen gets cut right were that stuff usally is) #4 for some reason i didnt have voicedailer anyway but I heard I will lose it.
I just got a brand new phone and its like doing something to a brand new car. Is it really worth the bugs??
For the most part I just wanted to know does the Kitchen have fixes for any of these issues that I'm experiencing.
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  #1367 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2007, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by bmjones View Post
I could also host a mirror of the files. I have like 2.5tb of bandwidth a month and i use about 300mb of it normally. Can't wait to get home and dust off my 6700 to try this. I bought a Q and had been using that because my 6700 was locking up and i was having to hard reset it every month. Will see if this is better than the verizon release.

I was also wondering about the different verizon versions. what's the difference?
I just noticed this in re-reading some of the threads.. I too could host without problems concerning bandwidth usage. Not sure how but i'm sure you could tell me :P
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  #1368 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2007, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Trident View Post
I'm trying SPBs Phone suite for a little while. So far, it seems nice. I'm still having an issue when the phone rings the device freezes. Sometimes it's still freezing for a bit, but it seems to get unfrozen after a few minutes. Obviously, I've missed a few calls. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen all the time and I haven't figured out what the pattern is.

If this doesn't work itself out, I'll try PhoneWeaver.

If that doesn't work, I'll try none of them and hope that it's just a glitch in the WM6 ROM that will be fixed in the next update/Kitchen. Whenever that is.
You doing this as a replacement of the HTC HOME? (Sorry I missed your original post).
I dig the look of HTC HOME better, but SPB Phone Suite + SPB Mobile Shell is an awesome combination.

Last edited by Gervy; 10-12-2007 at 03:46 PM.
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  #1369 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2007, 05:36 PM
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A couple of fixes

I posted these in the bugs/patches thread but thought it may be appriate to post here as well. If not then feel free to delete it. Thanks.

Originally Posted by brightedge
Rumor has it that the dialer in the following thread will fix the 911 problem:

I witnessed an accident in front of my home yesterday and was unable to dial 911 from my phone. I am a paramedic so this is an important feature to me. So I downloaded this dialer and made a 911 test call and it worked.

So officially (because I made a call and sounded like an idiot saying this is a test call lol) this is a fix.

As a fix for the text sent message --VERY ANNOYING--
Open messaging. Go to Menu - Tools - Options - Select Text Messages - Untick the check mark from the request delivery notifications box. No registry tweaking necesary.
Edit:This setting only disables the delivery confirmation text message. Sorry for the confusion. I thought that was the message that everyone was referring to.
I also had an issue with slow response of keyboard. I set the word completion settings to suggest after entering 3 letters and suggest 3 words. This fixed the issue for me. I hope this helps others.

Last edited by GaMedic; 10-20-2007 at 09:07 AM. Reason: Fix error in post
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  #1370 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2007, 05:54 PM
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paypal donation sent!

im loving it!
thanks helmi!
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