I had WM6 on my last ppc-6700 (Alltel) and it worked great except for a few things like: #1 lost my Transcriber (loved that thing) #2 my display started out like a true HTC then it reverted back to some of the 5.0 looks (like the password screen and the phone dialer) #3 I dont have the icons to show me if I sent the call, missed the call, or if the call came in to me. (seems like my screen gets cut right were that stuff usally is) #4 for some reason i didnt have voicedailer anyway but I heard I will lose it.
I just got a brand new phone and its like doing something to a brand new car. Is it really worth the bugs??
For the most part I just wanted to know does the Kitchen have fixes for any of these issues that I'm experiencing.