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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 01:39 PM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

Houston, we have "check out" ... Guess it's not related ... Which will once again beg the question of what's different between the 19xxx and 20xxx projects? How has AS changed? Or how has the lock program changed?

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
It's possible it could be related.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2008, 07:09 PM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

I am working on upgrading my Verizon XV6700 to WM 6.1.
I have gone through the process of cooking up the OS, but I had a few questions.

1) Do I need to select all of the modules I want or if none are selected, will the OS have all of the default features of WM 6.1? (Excel, voice dialing, etc)

2) If for some reason it doesn't work, can I go back to what I had?

Any recommendations from people who have this phone with Verizon? I assume it is the Apache.

Like most first timers, I am very nervous about messing with my phone that works okay.

Last edited by geedavee; 12-17-2008 at 07:15 PM. Reason: Added Apache line
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 10:27 AM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

Originally Posted by geedavee View Post
I am working on upgrading my Verizon XV6700 to WM 6.1.
I have gone through the process of cooking up the OS, but I had a few questions.

1) Do I need to select all of the modules I want or if none are selected, will the OS have all of the default features of WM 6.1? (Excel, voice dialing, etc)

2) If for some reason it doesn't work, can I go back to what I had?

Any recommendations from people who have this phone with Verizon? I assume it is the Apache.

Like most first timers, I am very nervous about messing with my phone that works okay.
You can go backwards just as easily as forwards.

It will function w/ nothing checked, but it will be stripped...no excel, voice dialing, etc.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
Um...sort of.
There are 3 different power managers, gwes being one of them. gwes and power manager (one of the other two) aren't supposed to be active at the same time, but inadvertently are in this release. Disabling gwes will leave power manager to control device power (the "stock" method of power control). The activation of gwes power management came from the merging of some no2chem stuff for Titan into the common registry base. It will be corrected in the next release.

Big thanks to Skinneejoe for tracking this issue down.
Any idea when you expect next release as just about to update so will hold off if soon...
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 11:45 AM
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Thumbs up Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
add this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power]

Battery life will obviously be affected.
Seems to be a good fix for the problem. Editing the Registry was easy - I found and altered the entry using CeRegEditor - mainly because the info provided by gguruusa was clear and accurate. Good job!!
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

With this ROM, I've had issues with the ActiveSync continually disconnecting and reconnecting; as well as my having very poor battery life. I also don't like the new IE - it seems kind of cumbersome scrolling around a web page with it (it looks like it's trying to render every web page as 640x480, even many mobile sites). I am considering going back to 20755 until another alluring ROM comes forth...
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 09:01 AM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

*** I think I am getting the hang of this stuff, so please ignore this rant, and take a look at thread #108!!!

I would like to think that I am a somewhat intelligent guy. A month or so I was jazzed up with I first loaded the helmi_c ROM on my VX-6700, and got it loaded just nicely. Of course, there were some issues, and when I asked how to resolve them, I would told to download PPCKitchen and build my own ROM.

I did that, but I am thinking that maybe I don't understand the process for getting a successful load in place. I loaded what I thought was a light load, and although it works, I have issues getting my 4GB miniSD card read. One of the other things that I don't understand is that when I used the helmi_c ROM, there were a ton of packages in place, but when I try to add things, I usually end up overloading the memory, or I have issues with G'Reloc which makes for a bad build.

First off, if I have the PPCKitchen, isn't there already some ROMs that I can load on, instead of my trying to be creative? Or am I forced to continuously pick and choose packages and hope that I have a decent build?

People seem to have issues with 20931, but I don't understand how to fall back to a previous version of BuildOS! I see that in reading the guides that I need to make sure that I am using the proper bootloader version, but I am not sure how to figure out what is the proper version!

*** Ok, I have learned that I am using 1.00 of the bootloader... Do I need to upgrade the bootloader???

I have read how people say that the extended ROM is corrupted, but are they talking about the orignal ROM that was from Verizon or can one load a custom ROM into the extended ROM partition (?)?

Considering that I actually use my phone for work, I can't have my phone be flaky. Is there a current Apache ROM that I can load on my phone so I don't have to screw up something that other people have working perectly?

I am sure these are some lame questions, but I have been reading threads and googling, but I have run into a wall... For instance, I have backed up all of my contacts using a thrid party program. That program as well as the contact backups are located on my SD card. Of course, now I can't access my SD card (although I was able to do that previously on an older build) and now I am shooting in the dark on my contacts... I have beyond frustrated!!!

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Last edited by kcallis; 12-24-2008 at 10:28 AM. Reason: Please see #108 thread
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 10:26 AM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

Ok, please correct me if my methodology is incorrect... While searching through various forums, I decided to take a good look at my C:\Program Files\PPCkitchen.org\BuildOS\Kitchens directory... And was I very surprised!!!

So if I do a simple build with the basic Microsoft programs, supporting programs and build that using an older build like 20924 or 20755,that should get me started. From there I can go back to the kitchen directory and open 000_Shareware.rar file and make the additional .cab files to round out what I am looking for.

Does that sound about right?

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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 12:20 PM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

You don't want to upgrade your Bootloader... In general, we prefer the older versions because they take up less space, and the new versions did not seem to give any benefit...

I recommend using build 20755 for the Apache right now, as the newer builds are not quite ready IMHO... (In a month or two, this might change. )

There are prebuilt "clean" ROMs available if you look hard enough around, but the kitchen is usually a better choice... You might want someone to send you their "selections" file so you don't have to guess...

Check out www.ppckitchen.org too...
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2008, 12:26 PM
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

Originally Posted by kcallis View Post
Ok, please correct me if my methodology is incorrect... While searching through various forums, I decided to take a good look at my C:\Program Files\PPCkitchen.org\BuildOS\Kitchens directory... And was I very surprised!!!

So if I do a simple build with the basic Microsoft programs, supporting programs and build that using an older build like 20924 or 20755,that should get me started. From there I can go back to the kitchen directory and open 000_Shareware.rar file and make the additional .cab files to round out what I am looking for.

Does that sound about right?

Well, you do a build all at once... The contents of the RAR files are already listed as choices... The files they contain are OEMs, not CABs... If you want to install something after building the ROM, you will either to flash all over again, or download the CAB file... Usually a Home Page is included with the description of a program in the Kitchen... (In some cases, no cab exists, so you must choose to flash with the program, or you won't be able to add it later...)

I hope this helps...
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