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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

I kind of saw this coming. Winmo is way too hackable. Sure, MS is learning a lot from sites like ours, but I don't think the results based on what they learn here are going to be anything we like. Why would MS or any of the providers want us to have a phone where they can't carefully control it's capabilities and make sure they get top dollar for any neat new cool feature? That's the way it is here in the good old USA. We don't get the latest technology right away, we get it spoon fed to us a little at a time and pay out our butts for every new feature one little piece at a time. I admire what you're trying to do, but this petition isn't going to do squat. When WP7 comes out I'll be watching how it performs, how much it can be hacked and what the hardware will actually support and then I'll make a decision. Hell, the value of my TP2 may skyrocket!
  #52 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 08:20 AM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Yes because their phones hardly exists in the US market..more android phones came out in 2010 in the US then WM in a lifetime. Not ot mention that all who picked it up it was barely alive, froze up and etc due to poor hardware.

The same thign that M$ with your info..and I never said Google doesn't make money on Android..Google makes 90% money on adwords and everything they do is based around it. That said Android is open source and you can completely remove Google out of android such as Motorola did for AT&T and plans to do for China

It has many software features yes its been out for YEARS and is a mature platform...hardware features on the other hand are HORRIBLE

I agree about the control on hardware..but its M$ fault..their mentality was 5 years ago..now their mentality is 2 years ago..progress I guess...

Yes because they were more mature platforms but M$ won out because it was business oriented and M$ had a huge tie on business market..their influence though is less then before

People did not complain when Win7 came out they complained when Vista came out..and windows 2000 was not that great..microsoft was always in the server market with Windows NT being first. The time that Microsoft got progress in the server market is Windows 2003 (I use these and CentOS for my servers myself)

1. there are 7 million in sales of wm in the us with iphone reaching 8 million (considering apple sells an average of 10 mil that's real bad numbers outside the us)

2. ms holds info for 1-3 years while google holds it for 7 years actively and then archives it without ever purging your info. in case you did not know, google is the ONLY company that does that. plus google feeds all your info to spammers which no one else does.

3. tp2 hardware is extremely close to the best out there before snapdragon came out and the only reason wm is sluggish is because of the plugins like tf3d and sense.

4. microsoft has always been business oriented and now they are going consumer as well as business with windows phone 7. MS has never concentrated on kids whn it came to portable devices, example would be the zune. how many ads do you see on the zune (even though it's better hardware than ipod)? or for wm?

5. people complained about vista is because hardware/software developers/manufacturers screwed ms. linksys refused to pay ms licensing for 64bit and made ms look bad in wireless aspect (one example). the ball started rolling because people were installing vista on 2002 pcs and thought all should be ok, but when they went to download drivers, the manufacturers didn't provide them and caused hate towards ms instead of manufacturers. windows 7 is based on vista with just a few tweaks to make the gui somewhat different and quicker with a few tricks. in case you were thinking then why did ms get windows 7 out so quickly, they actually didn't, 2-3 years is normal life span for ms OS's and only xp was the exception to that rule.

google will never enter my household because of their shady business practices, even the feds are after them for scanning books into it's database from librarys.
I'm forced to use this crap until WP7 gets released on sprint
  #53 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 09:34 AM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by itster View Post
1. there are 7 million in sales of wm in the us with iphone reaching 8 million (considering apple sells an average of 10 mil that's real bad numbers outside the us)
ahm you do know that windows mobile is used in many things outside of phones right?

2. ms holds info for 1-3 years while google holds it for 7 years actively and then archives it without ever purging your info. in case you did not know, google is the ONLY company that does that. plus google feeds all your info to spammers which no one else does.
M$ holds your info for the lifetime of the account..I know google archives the data as well but anonymously...M$ is the one who started this with their "Passport"..

3. tp2 hardware is extremely close to the best out there before snapdragon came out and the only reason wm is sluggish is because of the plugins like tf3d and sense.
You do know that the snapdragon was already out when TP2 came out? The TP2 used a chip that is 3 years old...not to mention the Cortex in the iPhone 3gs was already far superior processor.

4. microsoft has always been business oriented and now they are going consumer as well as business with windows phone 7. MS has never concentrated on kids whn it came to portable devices, example would be the zune. how many ads do you see on the zune (even though it's better hardware than ipod)? or for wm?
No business is gonna use wp7 as it is now...there are zune ads...wm there are no ads for cause they never stood behind the product.

5. people complained about vista is because hardware/software developers/manufacturers screwed ms. linksys refused to pay ms licensing for 64bit and made ms look bad in wireless aspect (one example). the ball started rolling because people were installing vista on 2002 pcs and thought all should be ok, but when they went to download drivers, the manufacturers didn't provide them and caused hate towards ms instead of manufacturers. windows 7 is based on vista with just a few tweaks to make the gui somewhat different and quicker with a few tricks. in case you were thinking then why did ms get windows 7 out so quickly, they actually didn't, 2-3 years is normal life span for ms OS's and only xp was the exception to that rule.
So let me get this straight..your blaming manufacturers for not paying M$ ripoff money? That note M$ is the one that completely broke hardware compatibility....And people bought vista on 2002 machines thinking all will be ok the machines worked liek crap cause they were "vista certified" and they were not up to hardware specs.

And no I do not think why did M$ do that..because every heard of Windows ME? the one where M$ had a HUGE bug with memory leak that was so apparent even a 3rd grader could tell cause you open up paint brush and there goes all your memory. M$ denied the bug and not only that pressured manufacturers to ONLY stock ME so that its the only option cause no one wanted to buy it due to the bug. And in the end they admitted it only when XP came out and said the solution is to buy XP....gee so nice of them...

google will never enter my household because of their shady business practices, even the feds are after them for scanning books into it's database from librarys.
I never said to trust google but M$ is no better
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 03:54 PM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by itster View Post
people complained about vista
cuz vista sucks; worst OS ever made by anyone anywhere.

what are you guys even arguing about? Neither corporation is malevolent, and neither wants to save the planet (but captain planet duz), they're both out to make money, they have different operating systems and different approaches.

ranting and raving about supposed sales and what you think they may be doing with data you give them seems obviated by the fact that ultimately you don't know what they do with the data, and that will probably have zero effect on your life.

I agree that privacy is desired, but this argument is going in circles fast.
  #55 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

eh vista was okay I never had any issue with it just reminded me of a hot sority girl pretty and nice to look at but dumb as rocks... win mobile 7 right now from what we know sounds like microsoft iphone o/s
  #56 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
cuz vista sucks; worst OS ever made by anyone anywhere.
You never used Windows ME I take it? cause if you did you would think Vista was best OS ever...lol

what are you guys even arguing about? Neither corporation is malevolent, and neither wants to save the planet (but captain planet duz), they're both out to make money, they have different operating systems and different approaches.
He is trying to prove M$ is better then google..I'm saying they are the same just the way they do things are different..

Also he is trying to say that windows mobile phones always had the best hardware available >.>

As I stated..I have nothing for Google except I think their marketing plan is pretty cool..that and I think they are out to conquer the world..but M$ is just a jerk..same difference..

Last edited by gTen; 03-30-2010 at 04:10 PM.
  #57 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 04:31 AM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Android grew by 153% since October while Windows Mobile fell by 20%. So with that said doesnt seem like your statement has much merit. After the Evo drops on Sprint and the Incredible on Verizon Android WILL surpass winmo in marketshare.
Why would anyone really buy a WM phone now ? Unless you needed a phone right now, 6.5 is 6.1 just a little better...the word out is 7.0 and people are talking about it. They also know if they get a phone now, they can not upgrade to it, so what is the point ? Most people sign a 2 year contract when they get a phone, so why bother..

I was going to get a new phone in spring (still have XV6800) but, I'll hold tight a little longer and just get a 7.0 phone.

I can see why WM dropped by 20%....
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 08:31 AM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by DavidinCT View Post
Why would anyone really buy a WM phone now ? Unless you needed a phone right now, 6.5 is 6.1 just a little better...the word out is 7.0 and people are talking about it. They also know if they get a phone now, they can not upgrade to it, so what is the point ? Most people sign a 2 year contract when they get a phone, so why bother..

I was going to get a new phone in spring (still have XV6800) but, I'll hold tight a little longer and just get a 7.0 phone.

I can see why WM dropped by 20%....
Regardless... I am willing to bet that once Android surpasses winmo they'll never catch up. People are talking about wp7 but I dont expect huge sales out of it... especially considering its coming out so long AFTER phones like the Evo and the Iphone 4G. Going forward Android will be the #2 OS in marketshare.

And that really wasnt the point I was debating anyways. The dude tried to make it seem like people that leave winmo for Android come back when they dont... more people are switching to Android by the day and really arent likely at all to come back.. like me. Yea the buzz for wm7 is pretty decent right now but hell by the time December rolls around there will have been so many new phones out before that I doubt sales will be huge.

Plus considering they basically tried to gear it against the iphone you would think they would have at least tried to release it before or around the same time as the 4g. Once the iphone gets its sales dont expect anyone of those people to switch... apple users are die hard.
  #59 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 08:36 AM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

AND dont act like wm isnt dropping any phones at all... if Google did a better job at advertising the nexus theyd probably be even closer to overtaking wm right now.. but they havent even put ONE commercial out for it which leads me to believe the nexus was just a test run phone. The only people that even know about it do so because of sites like this, engadget and banner ads.

If Sprint markets this Evo right you will see what I mean.
  #60 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
You never used Windows ME I take it? cause if you did you would think Vista was best OS ever...lol

He is trying to prove M$ is better then google..I'm saying they are the same just the way they do things are different..

Also he is trying to say that windows mobile phones always had the best hardware available >.>

As I stated..I have nothing for Google except I think their marketing plan is pretty cool..that and I think they are out to conquer the world..but M$ is just a jerk..same difference..
again ms keeps info for 1 year and google for 7 then archives. did you know google requires the interviewer of any officer in their company to submit their question in advance?

ME is the worst OS MS came out with and admitted it.. wtf does ME have to do with vista? MS proved there is nothing wrong with vista by doing the mojave or whatever test it was they did and showed the public the OS is fine. plus hardware vendors always pay for licensing, it's been like that forever. I guess MS was asking for too much especially when it takes millions upon millions in salaries to come up with an OS right?

MS is much better and much more honst google has ever been. MS is no angel but comparing google to MS i like comparing a car theif (MS)to a terrorist (google)

seriously, ive been in this business longer than you have used a computer (judging by what you're saying). i don't need to make any more points.

windows 2000 server is where MS started killing linux, not 2003. they continued with 2003.

edit: please find me a 2002 system that is vista ready or certified.. uneducated!

have a good day
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