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Old 03-29-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

I kind of saw this coming. Winmo is way too hackable. Sure, MS is learning a lot from sites like ours, but I don't think the results based on what they learn here are going to be anything we like. Why would MS or any of the providers want us to have a phone where they can't carefully control it's capabilities and make sure they get top dollar for any neat new cool feature? That's the way it is here in the good old USA. We don't get the latest technology right away, we get it spoon fed to us a little at a time and pay out our butts for every new feature one little piece at a time. I admire what you're trying to do, but this petition isn't going to do squat. When WP7 comes out I'll be watching how it performs, how much it can be hacked and what the hardware will actually support and then I'll make a decision. Hell, the value of my TP2 may skyrocket!