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Old 03-31-2010, 04:31 AM
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Re: Sign the WP7S boycott..

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Android grew by 153% since October while Windows Mobile fell by 20%. So with that said doesnt seem like your statement has much merit. After the Evo drops on Sprint and the Incredible on Verizon Android WILL surpass winmo in marketshare.
Why would anyone really buy a WM phone now ? Unless you needed a phone right now, 6.5 is 6.1 just a little better...the word out is 7.0 and people are talking about it. They also know if they get a phone now, they can not upgrade to it, so what is the point ? Most people sign a 2 year contract when they get a phone, so why bother..

I was going to get a new phone in spring (still have XV6800) but, I'll hold tight a little longer and just get a 7.0 phone.

I can see why WM dropped by 20%....
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