New Verizon Data Plan
I noticed that Verizon has a new 29.99 unlimited data plan, but its only supported on the 5800, 6800, and Q9M. I am on the phone with them now trying to explain that data is data, and not allowing 6700 customers to move to this plan is wrong.
I have asked for a supervisor to call me back and they have indicated one will. Once I know the real reason I will let everyone know. If anyone has had luck in getting this plan added to their 6700 please let us all know how you did it. Here is the link to the announcement: http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/New-...le-a_2665.html Steve |
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
That interesting but still SPrint has a better deal with their total package. Dont get me wrong, I have VZW and like it but it is just my opinion that I think Sprint gives a better deal now that everyone has started offering unlimited talk packages. It will be interesting to see what comes of this.
Loving my rooted Droid X
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
I tried to change my plan online and got an error message. I called them and they changed in without any problem. |
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
Good thing I make a habit of checking the Home Page every morning... as I would never have heard about it - even via Verizon! I called their #611 and spoke with a rep who - at first didn't know that the new plan also included my VX6800. A few minutes worth of a check, and we were good to go... down from $44.95 to $29.95 per month, can't complain about that! Heck, the savings amounts to almost 1/3 of a tank of gas...! Thanks for the posting; Glad I checked it out.
Sandy Korda
Firefighter/EMT, Accountability, Incident Management & Disaster Mitigation Specialist FIRE-RESCUE PRODUCTS, INTERNATIONAL a division of The Image Group, Inc. www.image911.com LG VX6100; HTC VX6700; HTC VX6800; and currently - a Samsung OMNIA |
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
VZN is falling further behind. They will continue to lose out to other vendors if they aren't carefull. Once my obligation is up, I'll be moving on.
http://www.antiterrornet.com ...because even you would fly 10000 miles to smoke a camel. |
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
I hate VZW for their lack of content and watered down products. I would get an unlimited data plan for my 6700 but there's no way I'm spending $45 a month extra for my PHONE. If it was only an extra $15 a month I could see myself getting it. $30 might be convincing but is still too much. I really wish they wouldn't be such money grubbing a$$holes and would actually care about their customers because they have the best service in my area and most people I know use VZW so texting and calling is cheaper with in but they really piss me off with their products. I mean honsetly, how many times can you re-release the RAZR for people dumb enough to buy it?
I really wish Google would come out with their own service and not just a phone, then everyone would be screwed. |
Re: New Verizon Data Plan
I am still fighting with VZW on this. They tell me this is specific to the SMT5800, XV6800, and Q9M. I have told them multiple times that this is hogwash...data is data. Its not specific to a device. If they are going to extend a price reduction to some Smartphones then they need to extend it to all Smartphones they support, which should include the 6700, Pantech 820, Treos, etc.
I have even emailed VZW with my displeasure. I am not about to give up the fight. For all you 6700 users please do the same. Call VZW, be polite to the rep but then ask for a supervisor when they say they cannot do this. Send in an email to them expressing your displeasure over being forced into a new more expensive phone just to save some money on the data plan.....NUTS! Steve |
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