Re: New Verizon Data Plan
I still think that that is highway robbery! I tried to get the $15.00 unlimited email but the guy tried for 1/2 an hour and I finally said to give up cuz I didn't want to wait any longer. I think in their plan documentation that is only reserved for Blackberrys. I just called a couple of weeks ago and the best I could do was a 1.5 MB plan for $25.00. I think Sprint has a unlimited data plan for about $15.00, which sounds about right. To think I was paying $6.95 to get the internet on a Samsung phone last year before they forced me to upgrade. True it was only Email and information (text) but that is all I want. Keep us VZW captives updated!
Last edited by gambatte; 04-14-2008 at 03:16 PM.