Re: New Verizon Data Plan
I hate VZW for their lack of content and watered down products. I would get an unlimited data plan for my 6700 but there's no way I'm spending $45 a month extra for my PHONE. If it was only an extra $15 a month I could see myself getting it. $30 might be convincing but is still too much. I really wish they wouldn't be such money grubbing a$$holes and would actually care about their customers because they have the best service in my area and most people I know use VZW so texting and calling is cheaper with in but they really piss me off with their products. I mean honsetly, how many times can you re-release the RAZR for people dumb enough to buy it?
I really wish Google would come out with their own service and not just a phone, then everyone would be screwed.