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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:06 AM
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Class Action Against Sprint

As we all know, Sprint is blatantly witholding information from us of why they truly will not allow us to send MMS messages with our devices. I think it's time they see how serious we can be.

Now I do not know much about law, but I do believe we have a pretty strong case against them. What classifies a class action laws suit is this:

"Class actions lawsuits allow many people to bring small identical claims to court and have their issue be decided in a single legal proceeding."

It can consist of hundreds, thousands or millions of people. Obviously, we may only be in the hundred/thousands bracket..but we still can do this.

My question is, if this hasn't already been touched on. If I brought this to a lawyers attention, who would stand with me in this? If we can take almost everyone on this MMS problem we would have an ample enough voice to be heard.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:15 AM
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what would be required of every one in order to do this though?
Well now IVe had the touch pro for about a year and welll its just as dissapointing as the mogul was ....now they may give me this TP2 but i wonder if its time to go a different route than this WM
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:22 AM
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What would your claim be? Sprint never claimed the Titan did MMS
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:34 AM
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Do you think it would work?
I Love Sprint...(when they act right!)
*HTC Touch*
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:36 AM
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Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk View Post
What would your claim be? Sprint never claimed the Titan did MMS
That's a very good point. They never claimed it other than saying "capable of multimedia messaging" and the claim would be the fact that they are not only lying to our faces by saying some of the crazy things they have been... But restricting our access after we've already proven that it can be done.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:42 AM
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maybe I am wrong here but I think I actually pay for being able to send mms
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by quantum_kaos View Post
As we all know, Sprint is blatantly witholding information from us of why they truly will not allow us to send MMS messages with our devices. I think it's time they see how serious we can be.

Now I do not know much about law, but I do believe we have a pretty strong case against them. What classifies a class action laws suit is this:

"Class actions lawsuits allow many people to bring small identical claims to court and have their issue be decided in a single legal proceeding."

It can consist of hundreds, thousands or millions of people. Obviously, we may only be in the hundred/thousands bracket..but we still can do this.

My question is, if this hasn't already been touched on. If I brought this to a lawyers attention, who would stand with me in this? If we can take almost everyone on this MMS problem we would have an ample enough voice to be heard.
Sprint may be "blatantly withholding information" from you, but they are under no duty, legal or otherwise, to disclose it.

The courts will never order a company to provide and support a technology that the company does not want to provide. Modern class-action suits are almost always a scam, settled by the parties without a trial, where the company sued gains by giving out a discount on a future purchase, thereby increasing the likelihood that the aggrieved customers will actually make another purchase, and the lawyers gain millions of dollars for very little work. The companies see it as just another advertising expense. Google the Verizon Motorola v710 Bluetooth class action for an example of a better-than-usual outcome for a class-action. The plaintiffs had a stronger case there because they had a false advertising claim, and they got their choice of an ETF waiver to leave Verizon, a refund on the v710 if they stayed with Verizon and bought another phone, or a $25 credit if they stayed and kept their v710. I am not aware of any advertising by Sprint that claimed that the Mogul supported MMS.

edit: the Sprint web site does NOT say that Power Vision includes MMS. It does state that Power Vision includes Sprint Picture Mail, and describes it this way, which unfortunately includes the email method of sending pictures. Note that it does not claim that you can even send pictures to non-Sprint phones.

Use a Sprint Power VisionSM or Sprint VisionSM Picture phone to take full-color digital pictures. Then either store the pictures or send them right from your phone while on the enhanced Nationwide Sprint PCS Network to a computer or other Power Vision or Vision phone.

Last edited by bakntyme; 02-10-2008 at 02:16 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 04:50 AM
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Originally Posted by quantum_kaos View Post
They never claimed it other than saying "capable of multimedia messaging"
Where does it claim MMS specifically?

Originally Posted by fat boy View Post
maybe I am wrong here but I think I actually pay for being able to send mms
You may pay for it on your plan, but your device needs to support it too. I can sign up for every feature there is, but it doesn't mean I can use them all. Call them, and tell them to lower your bill because you don't use the MMS feature. I doubt it even costs you
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 04:55 AM
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Watch your language

Last edited by JackSchitt28; 02-10-2008 at 12:22 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by quantum_kaos View Post
As we all know, Sprint is blatantly witholding information from us of why they truly will not allow us to send MMS messages with our devices. I think it's time they see how serious we can be.

Now I do not know much about law, but I do believe we have a pretty strong case against them. What classifies a class action laws suit is this:

"Class actions lawsuits allow many people to bring small identical claims to court and have their issue be decided in a single legal proceeding."

It can consist of hundreds, thousands or millions of people. Obviously, we may only be in the hundred/thousands bracket..but we still can do this.

My question is, if this hasn't already been touched on. If I brought this to a lawyers attention, who would stand with me in this? If we can take almost everyone on this MMS problem we would have an ample enough voice to be heard.
when i bought this phone i assumed it had it as well as built in instant messaging. thanks to this site i was to get both things on my phone (i wish sprint had included both features on the phone BUT they didnt). i assumed these were both included - i didnt do my research. it is disappointing that a HIGH end phone doesnt have these features. i would be willing to sign something but unless you can find something in writing, i think we are out of luck.

there is a website http://htcclassaction.org/ that talks about a possible class action against HTC becuase of the lack of video drivers.
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