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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by bakntyme View Post
Sprint may be "blatantly withholding information" from you, but they are under no duty, legal or otherwise, to disclose it.

The courts will never order a company to provide and support a technology that the company does not want to provide. Modern class-action suits are almost always a scam, settled by the parties without a trial, where the company sued gains by giving out a discount on a future purchase, thereby increasing the likelihood that the aggrieved customers will actually make another purchase, and the lawyers gain millions of dollars for very little work. The companies see it as just another advertising expense. Google the Verizon Motorola v710 Bluetooth class action for an example of a better-than-usual outcome for a class-action. The plaintiffs had a stronger case there because they had a false advertising claim, and they got their choice of an ETF waiver to leave Verizon, a refund on the v710 if they stayed with Verizon and bought another phone, or a $25 credit if they stayed and kept their v710. I am not aware of any advertising by Sprint that claimed that the Mogul supported MMS.

edit: the Sprint web site does NOT say that Power Vision includes MMS. It does state that Power Vision includes Sprint Picture Mail, and describes it this way, which unfortunately includes the email method of sending pictures. Note that it does not claim that you can even send pictures to non-Sprint phones.

Regardless of the "result" of the suit. The bottom line is we are telling them that we need to be heard. Sure, they are restricting something...but it's not something they "don't want us to use" it is something they "can't make money off of yet" and THAT'S the bottom line.

Here's an example to put things into perspective, as bad of an example it may be heh.

You purchase a Bugatti EB110 because you want to go fast and get the most out of your new ride. You own this car, completely paid for...however you don't own the gas that needs to go into the car to make it run... Unfortunately the gas company has put a chemical in the gas to restrict it from going more than 70mph. But it's not helping the car at all. Infact, they cannot even give you a valid answer WHY they put the chemical in there...HOWEVER they have a few other cars that you can purchase to go faster than your car that is infinitely superior than any of the cars they can offer you.

You're telling me you wouldn't be pissed off? I am not looking at this turning into a flame thread. I am asking a question to see who would stand with me in this in hopes of it helping us be HEARD. That's all.

Whoever cannot see passed that and just assume there's "nothing we can do about it" then apparently you must have forgotten how this country was founded (BAM! haha I had to include that in there)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 12:58 PM
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Jesus H. Christ, can we stop with the freakin' car analogies already?

Last edited by meatlocker; 02-10-2008 at 03:46 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:11 PM
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This thread isn't meant to have people completely miss what it is meant for. If a car analogy doesn't suit your tastes. Put it into a different perspective...that is afterall, what an analogy is used for. Secondly, this is for the MMS they deliberately blocked and being the only major US carrier to do such and say "the device doesn't support it" when it obviously does. Now, this thread was to gather opinions. Not negativity. So if you have something bad to say, post it somewhere that won't be noticed. That's how flame threads start, and I specifically stated that I did not want this to be one. Thanks.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:26 PM
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Leagally it seem to me we have nothing. however as a Sprint customer I believe it is time for me to move on maybe AT&T. It seems to me that Sprint is really trying to piss us off. What advantabge is it to them to block or MMS?
Sprint canot last too long without customers.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:28 PM
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Hows this for an analogy: The pinto of phones can do MMS, but somehow My Bugatti 6800 can't. In my opinion the only thing you can sue sprint for is being charged for a service that they REFUSE to let us use. It's not a question of MMS or not.. it's being charged for it. I'm calling them now.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by phazed View Post
Hows this for an analogy: The pinto of phones can do MMS, but somehow My Bugatti 6800 can't. In my opinion the only thing you can sue sprint for is being charged for a service that they REFUSE to let us use. It's not a question of MMS or not.. it's being charged for it. I'm calling them now.

And that is where I am going with this, like I said with the post, regardless of if we have a case or not, they need to see how pissed we really are. A business THRIVES by gathering opinions from their most valuable asset: their customers. And they are doing the complete opposite. Do you think Sprint has done a survey asking how many people think PDA's should get MMS? I can guarantee you it would result with two answers only. 1 would be "yes" and 2 would be "doesn't matter" but there would be no one saying "NO WAY!! PDA'S SHOULD NEVER GET MMS THAT'S THE DEVIL's WORK!! RAWWWR!!!"

So yeah, they refuse to let us use it, but don't offer a discount, let alone a solution. We've even said we would pay extra to use MMS. But they still refuse to fix it. And we are still getting charged for crap we cannot use.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:34 PM
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The anger at Sprint is legitimate, the wanting to sue part is ridiculous. Sprint has shown that they believe the PPC market to be not so important to their bottom line by repeatedly ignoring and blatantly attacking PPC users. To block our workaround MMS solution means to US that Sprint doesn't really consider this segment of their business to be that valuable. The best/ONLY way to strike at Sprint would be to leave them as a provider, pay more for data plans elsewhere, but get all the features we want. Only when this lack of regard for PPC users hurts them in the wallet will they respond.
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:39 PM
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let me know the lawyers name when y'all are ready to go fourth
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by allahdess View Post
let me know the lawyers name when y'all are ready to go fourth

Lay out some cash bro and I'll sign on...

too funny
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-10-2008, 03:20 PM
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People are way too sue happy. What ever happened to "Buyer Beware". I researched the phone and its capabilities for HOURS before I decided I was going to purchase it. Just because you did no research on it, and figured out it doesnt have that ability after the fact, doesnt allow you to sue Sprint for it. Sprint didn't force you to buy the phone, and they give you a 30 day return window, where if you are unsatisfied, you can return it for a phone that is capable of the features you require. I hope that if you do sue Sprint over this, that the judge makes you pay for their legal fees, because its a complete waste of time, and is frivolous.

If you have a problem with sprint, call them and speak to a manager or someone else who will actually listen to your complaint, and maybe they will rectify it. Otherwise, just stop with this suing crap.
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