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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 03:25 AM
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Originally Posted by JoeBobOneHalf View Post
Here's a question. On a few online/FedEx-the-phones-to-you websites (two that I've seen) It lists the Mogul of being Multimedia Messaging capable phone. My question is first "Multimedia Messaging capable" mean MMS capable? Second wouldn't the information they would have about the phone be directly from Sprint? I mean most of it seems something coppied from the Sprint website. (I can't provide the link from my work compy but I can from home is you guys want it.)
Sprint will tell you they cannot be held responsible for what other websites/companies say or post about their products. I just checked Sprint.com and it does not say Multimedia Phone or Messaging in the description for the Mogul.

This is true in many industries. I work in the hospitality industry, and if a third party website posts that we offer free internet access we are not obligated to honor it since it did not come straight from us.
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Last edited by Pibe38; 02-12-2008 at 03:29 AM.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 04:35 AM
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this is just more pointless whining by a few crybabies. if you dont like what sprint offers then leave. if you dont like the phone get another one. and friggin grow up.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by JoeBobOneHalf View Post
Do you think this is into Sprint gave them or something they assumed?
I don't remember Sprint ever using the UTStarcom brand with the Mogul, so this probably did not come from Sprint.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 05:02 AM
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Originally Posted by giancarloaf View Post
Do some research fellas, there IS something being done about it, join in if you're as pissed off as the other 9,300 people on this petition...


LoL @ do some research....

That is old news and was started mostly to implement video driver utilization in the phone, and if you did YOUR research you'd see the answer HTC has already given

I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 05:36 AM
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Sprint doesnt care about PPC 'business' users or they would address these issues. It's obviously NOT a huge revenue source for them. They make more on teenaged users who overrun their minute plans and pay exorbitant fees for downloading ringtones, ringback tones and games/apps.
Best solutions:
A) get out of your contract, sign up for SERO (if you dont already have it), and continue to try to work-around Sprints' attempts to piss us off
B) bite the bullet and pay more to have all the features we want through another Carrier.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 06:01 PM
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Again the crying about not being offered a service does nothing. I admit that. If sprint wants to block Sprint TV that is a service they have the right to refuse. Not offering mms in there roms is completely legal, whether or not it was insisted/miscommunicated, Fine.

But Blocking a program that someone has created to fulfill demand for a service is not cool. As long as it does not break law, how can you justify the prohibition of an industry wide standard. I think this would be the basis for the case. I think that would warrant some compensation.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Artanis View Post
Again the crying about not being offered a service does nothing. I admit that. If sprint wants to block Sprint TV that is a service they have the right to refuse. Not offering mms in there roms is completely legal, whether or not it was insisted/miscommunicated, Fine.

But Blocking a program that someone has created to fulfill demand for a service is not cool. As long as it does not break law, how can you justify the prohibition of an industry wide standard. I think this would be the basis for the case. I think that would warrant some compensation.
I don't agree with your last paragraph. And once again, I'm not on Sprint's side, but they are blocking a program that someone created to fulfill a demand for their service, not just a service. Is it Sprint's loss? Heck yeah... if they got up their behinds and provided this for us, they may end up with more people buying these devices that are more expensive, or more people signing up for PicMail, etc.

While the service may be considered standard, the reality is that as a cell phone provider, the only standard service they provide is phone calls... everything else can be argued to be as not standard.

The hack may be very well breaking the law as it is tapping a service our devices were not provided with. It is Sprint's network, and if they decide to block access to their MMS server by the hack, then there's nothing we can do.

Does this suck? Of course it does... but at the end of the day we are not doing anything by complaining. We can just hope that by voicing our concern and intelligent opinion, Sprint will come to realize that it is time for them to offer this service to PPC users once and for all.

Going to your first paragraph... if they stopped offering SprintTV on the Touch for example, then some compensation would be due since that device was advertised to provide that service.
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