Originally Posted by JoeBobOneHalf
Here's a question. On a few online/FedEx-the-phones-to-you websites (two that I've seen) It lists the Mogul of being Multimedia Messaging capable phone. My question is first "Multimedia Messaging capable" mean MMS capable? Second wouldn't the information they would have about the phone be directly from Sprint? I mean most of it seems something coppied from the Sprint website. (I can't provide the link from my work compy but I can from home is you guys want it.)
Sprint will tell you they cannot be held responsible for what other websites/companies say or post about their products. I just checked Sprint.com and it does not say Multimedia Phone or Messaging in the description for the Mogul.
This is true in many industries. I work in the hospitality industry, and if a third party website posts that we offer free internet access we are not obligated to honor it since it did not come straight from us.